Chapter Two

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Third Person Pov:

"Tom and I are breaking up," Edd says and Tord almost chokes to death on his cereal as he coughs it back up into his cereal bowl, WHAT?! Tord's glasses are halfway down his face as he looks at the ex-couple in pure shock, Matt has practically the same expression as he was not expecting this either; it was only the night before that they had been cuddling and kissing like a couple in pure love.

Awkward silence fills the room just from that one statement, in all honesty, no one- even the couple themselves- would have expected this to ever happen. Tord can't help but think, "Could God be... giving me a chance?" even if it does seem impossible.

Tom decides to break the silence, as it's starting to get VERY intense just from the pure shock of the decision, "We both decided upon it, we thought that a break would be good for us."

Edd tries to liven the mood by saying, "Well I mean, it's not like there's no chance at us getting back together!" which only puts Tord into a more frantic, like there's a fifty page essay due in a few hours and he hadn't even started.

"Well.. Whatever makes you guys happy!" Matt says with a cheery voice, giving a supportive smile and thumbs up. Tord is in pure panic, but when everyone looks to him, he gives a nervous smile and a more shy thumbs up compared to Matt.

"Well I'm glad we're all on the same page!" Edd says and claps once. "We're all still going to be friends and do all the stuff we did before, there just won't be any romance involved!"

But even after Edd had said that, no one really stays around each other anymore. Edd is usually in his room and drawing away like he usually does to distract himself from reality; his room is now pretty empty from Tom taking all of his stuff into their spare bedroom he decided to take over, which is what Tom has been doing for the past few days too.

Matt usually goes out to the park to relax and watch the kids run around happily, he's not feeling his greatest and he's not really sure why right now. Tord.. poor poor Tord.. he's been doing research on how to make himself "better" or just plain someone else, he wants to get confidence so he finally approach Tom and maybe become the main character in the story, but he just can't get the nerves to do it.

Trust when I tell you that Tord has tried countless times to knock on his crush's door, but he always loses his breath and his body freezes from the fact that just one thing he says wrong could lead to disaster between them, so he always walks away instead of making a move.

Tord can't help but break down one day, sobbing at his desk with nothing but the light outside his window coming inside, he keeps whispering to himself, "I'm not worth his love.. I'll never compare to Edd..."

"Hey! Stop crying dickhead!" Someone from outside his window shouts and Tord flinches up in his seat. "You got boy trouble?! Let me help ya!" Tord jumps up from his chair and looks out his window, Edd's sister?! "Come down here!"

"One second!-"

"No! Jump out the window!"

"What?! Are you crazy?! There's roses with thorns beneath-!"

"I don't care! Stop being a pussy and do it!"

"But I-!"

"Come on! This is your first step!" Tord hesitates and rubs his arm, but his eyes widen when Ell says, "Do you want Tom or not?!"

"How do you-..." Tord takes a deep breath. "Fine..." Tord then slowly lifts both his legs out the window and sits on the edge, he looks to Ell who has a wide smile, he then sighs and jumps down... bad idea.

An hour later, Ell manages to pull the last thorn out of Tord. They made it to Ell's apartment just before Tord started to cry from the pain, which it's a good thing Ell had a nice set of tweezers to help out the situation.

"I told you it was a bad idea," Tord says with furrowed eyebrows as he rubs the pained areas on his body. "Roses and flesh do not go well together..."

"But didn't it feel.." Ell thinks for the perfect word before smiling. "Exhilarating?"

"No, it felt painful."

"Well the pain is a part of the process."

Tord looks to her in irritation, she was actually one of his "teasers" in middle school. He would never call her a bully, since they've really always been friends, but she absolutely loved to push his buttons and embarrass him. He actually hasn't seen her for maybe a year now, which is kind of questionable on why she was standing outside his window today of all days.

"And what exactly is this "process" you keep talking about?"

"Well first," Ell then carefully snatches the glasses from Tord's face, making Tord becomes incredibly dazed for a pure second. "Let's ditch these, they make you look like a total loser."

"I have them for a reason Ell," Tord then squints his eyes to try to see her better, but she lightly slaps his face without him seeing it coming. "Hey!-"

"No squinting, make it look like you don't need them," Ell responds before rummaging through a box of things Tord can't really see; his vision is pretty blurry without his glasses, but he can see to a good enough extent to do normal things.. but with a few hiccups.

"Is this necessary?"

"You think I'd lie?"

"No, not lie, but you have a major tendency to make me look like a idiot in front of people I respect."

"Don't fret Tord, I've got you covered," Tord would beg to differ, but it seems Ell catches him off guard when she pulls out a list from her pocket. "Take this." She hands it to Tord and the Norwegian looks it over to the best of his ability, he realizes that this is a checklist.

"What is this supposed to be?" Tord asks with a eyebrow raise as he looks to Ell, who still looks through her box of mystery. "Exercise and flex? Write three different things I like about myself? Look in the mirror and say "You're beautiful"- What is this supposed to be?!"

"It's your daily confidence booster, do these things everyday and you'll be in tip top shape by next month," Ell says before pulling out a set of hair styling tools and products. "Now let me fix that mess of your hair-"

"No touch of the horns, they're my signature," Tord says as he holds a hand out to block her, she just laughs as he gets a headache trying to concentrate on seeing properly.

"Yeah yeah, I know, I'm just touching up your look is all. Once you look exactly how you always wanted to look, I'm taking you shopping for some new clothes. Wearing hoodies all the time won't get anyone to swoon for you," Ell says as she leans Tord back in his seat; Tord realizes that Ell seems to have all of this planned out.. what exactly did he just get himself into?

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