Chapter One

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Third Person Pov:

You would consider Tord as that one college student who has a "odd" obsession with anime that people consider creepy by the way he spends both so much money and time on it, most think he's a real nerd by his rectangular glasses and his tattoo on his neck that's literally a math equation.

Tord is a big pushover and really anyone can intimidate him, even if they don't mean to. He avoids fights and any drug, except for cigarettes and cigars, since they keep him both happy and sober. He's always tried to be confident and attract people, but whenever he meets someone new, endless stutters leave his mouth and he just can't get out what he wants to say.

Darkness swarms the room except for the bright light coming from Tord's computer monitor that hide his eyes since it reflects off his glasses and makes them completely white, he's currently entranced by a new anime that came out only the day before... he had gotten a notification for it being released, since he's subscribed to several anime companies that give out the release dates to everyone who pay once every month.

It's kind of sad.

Tord pauses the screen at a perfect picture of his new favorite anime girl, Muriko Habue. She's a enchantress who lacks the normal amount of clothes people usually wear and is extremely confident even though everyone in the show makes fun of her for being the "least effective" class in the fighter ranks, but she still always keeps fighting and proving to them that she can be just as powerful as them... What he'd do to be like her.

He's always daydreamed about him someday becoming a super attractive dude that has a charming personality and dazzling smile that makes all the girls swoon; he wishes he could have big muscles, a alluring set of clothes, and a proper sleep schedule. What he'd do to change himself completely...

Tord places a hand on his screen, right on top of his favorite 2D girl. He begins to think of the possibilities if he had her to himself, his nose then runs blood and he drools from the thought.

The poor weeb boy is so caught in his wishful thoughts that he doesn't even hear his door creek open, he only gets knocked back into reality when his ceiling light turns on without him doing so and his whole anime infested room gets revealed to the artificial sunlight.

Posters, figurines, body pillows, and even bedsheets. Most people find this pathetic and that's why Tord usually doesn't have people over, but there is one guy who's quite used to Tord's addiction.

Edward Gold, Tord's bestest friend since kindergarten. They've always been by each other's side no matter what, they're like brothers to each other. Nothing will ever come between the-

"Tord! I told you to take out the trash two hours ago!" Edd says in a rage and Tord flinches from the sudden shout. Tord slides on to the floor in front of the furious Edd and cries in response, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" ...Okay, I suppose chores and rent are another story.

Edd pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs before asking, "What's your excuse this time Tord?" which Tord opens his mouth to answer, but Edd cuts him off, "You know what, by the blood on your upper lip, I don't wanna know... at all," Tord blushes in complete embarrassment, he wipes the blood off with his bare arm as Edd says, "Just do the trash now, it's getting late and Tom is going to make steak tonight."

Just Edd mentioning the black eyed male's name sends goosebumps up Tord's arm, you'll see why in a minute. Tord stands up with his hands holding each other while Edd says, "I'm going to the living room, you can join us when your done. That is if you come out of your room to spend time with us for once."

"I'll think about it Edd," Tord says with a few nods as he keeps his head to the ground, Edd doesn't really notice the Norwegian's blush as he walks away. Tord takes a quick breath before slipping a red hoodie on and some black and white vans, he then heads down the hallway and into the living room.

He then lays his eyes on the mysterious beauty himself, Thomas Thompson. No matter how many anime girls Tord faps to, there's no compare to the amount of fantasies and wet dreams he's has about Tom. Tord has had a crush on him for two years now, but there was one problem...

Edd walks over to Tom and sits down next to him, wrapping his arm around him with them both smiling. Tord's pumping heart always drops immediately when he realizes the hard truth... Edd, his most loyal friend, is dating the boy of his dreams.

"Lucky b.. guy," Tord almost curses in his head, but stops himself since Edd is nothing close to a bitch of any sort. Edd has to be the nicest man Tord has ever met in his life, and there's no way he'd ever try to steal his girl.. that is if he could even properly talk to Tom, which seems impossible by the fact he always stutters and blushes like a idiot in front of him.

He can't help it, every time he's around him, his heart just beats like it's aggressively hitting a drum. He can't help but love Tom, even after two years of only admiring the man in blue from afar. Even though they all live together in the same house, Tord feels like he's miles away from him at all times.

But then when Tord sees Tom with Edd together, all he can think about is how Edd is the better opposite of him. Edd has the personality of a lion, the fearless leader who still cares for his "cubs" and is always the hero. He could name every difference Edd and him have, but most of the opposing features are only there because of Tord's low self-esteem.

Tord shakes the thoughts out of his head before grabbing the trash bag in the kitchen bin and barely being able to lift the bag to the front door, but trying to keep cool in front of Tom- even though the boy is already too busy chatting with Edd and Matt to really notice Tord himself or his struggle.

Tord lifts the garbage into it's designated place next to the mailbox before looking back to the house, seeing his friends chatting happily through the window. He knows they'd be perfectly happy if he just left them, they'd continue their adventures and dreams as planned and his disappearance wouldn't mean anything.

Tord doesn't like to think about these things, but they seem to dig into his thoughts without his permission constantly. He just can't help but feel like everyone else is better than him, even his accent embarrasses him and he can't help that no matter what he does...

Tord looks down the dark street and wonders, "What if I left? Like, right now? What would happen tomorrow.. when I don't come back?" Tord looks down at his hands and feels like a baby since he wants to cry right then and there, but he holds it back as he decides to head back inside. He knows leaving now is not the time anyway.

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