☺︎︎ Chapter One

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"That will be 17 dollars sir," the cashier said putting the items in the small plastic bag as he waited for the boy on the other side of the counter.

The brunet boy smiled and grabs his wallet from his front pocket–he doesn't put it in the back pocket anymore after his last one got stolen– as he then takes out a 20 dollar bill.

"Here you go," he said handing out the rectangle shaped green paper to the cashier boy, glancing at his nametag that seemed a bit dirty. "Soobin."

The cashier hands him the change with the paper bag on his other hand, "have a nice day sir," he said politely.

The brunet boy takes the items before pursing his lips, "actually, can I ask a favor?" He asked looking hesitant yet desperate.

"Uhm, sure?" Soobin said closing the cash register and leans forward with his elbows propped up on the counter, "what can I help you with?"

"Can you uhm, touch my arm?" The boy asked shyly. It's not like he's awkward about it since he's been doing this weird "favor" for a while now. It's just that he feels shy.

Soobin looked at him with his brow raised, "err– okay?" He drawls before placing his palm down on the boy's arm for a few seconds, feeling the soft skin against his and letting go after.

The brunet boy had his eyes sparkling wide as he takes a look on his arm before his face changed, "oh," he sighed.

Soobin looked at him with pity, watching the customer frown as he looks up with a forced smile. "Thank you Soobin, sorry for the weird favor," the boy said.

The cashier gave a soft smile, "no problem and it's okay, I didn't mind," he said standing back up and taking a used towel to clean up the counter.

The boy turns around heading to the exit before Soobin speaks up again, "hey," he calls resulting the customer to look back at him. "Whoever you're fated with, I hope they treat you well. Don't rush it okay? They'll come around," he smiled.

The brunet smiled a little and nodded at his words, "thank you," he said before finally heading out the convenience store.


"Hey sir, can you touch my arm?" The brunet boy asked again as if this was a normal routine. Which it is, for him atleast.

The old man selling street food, fishball, furrowed his eyebrows. "Sorry?" He asked leaning forward as if he didn't hear him right.

The boy just smiled, "I need you to do a favor sir, can you please touch my arm?" He asked again leaning his arm out towards the elder.

The old man paused before placing his rough big hand on to the boy's soft arm, staying there for a moment and takes it back afterwards.

Once again, it was like the boy had traveled back time, seeing his arm all normal and clean. His skin all the same milky tone in every spot.

He sighed and muttered a small "thanks" the old man before grabbing his cup of fishball with his free hand while the other was gripping on to the plastic bag.

"Hey kid," the old man called as the boy turned back around to look at him, "whoever that person is, don't rush it alright? They'd be really lucky to be fated with you," he smiled with his teeth showing.

The boy smiled back a bit forced, he nodded lazily and heads back to his apartment while slowly eating his street food that he bought.


"Where were you?" A raven haired asked opening the door, "you invited me here to have dinner with you but then left me all alone in your apartment while you go get something, for two hours."

The brunet chuckled softly closing the door and heading towards the kitchen placing the plastic bag down as he threw the plastic cup on the trash can.

"Chill Markie, I was buying us ramyeon because I couldn't cook tonight." The brunet said taking out the said cup of noodles from the plastic bag.

"What do you mean "chill Markie"? " The raven haired, Mark, quotes taking a seat on one of the stools as he watches his friend boil some water.

"Jeno, you left me in your apartment for two hours to buy ramyeon for us," Mark deadpanned. "Did you even know how lonely I was here?" He exclaimed.

Jeno sighed waiting for the water to boil as he opens the two cups of noodles preparing to mix them later,  "pfft you're not lonely, Bongsik is here with you." He said.

"Speaking of my baby, where is she?" He then asked looking around for his pet cat in his small apartment.

"I locked her in your room," Mark said scratching his hair nervously earning a death glare from his friend. "What?" He panicked.

"You're so mean," Jeno huffs. "I regret leaving Bongsik here with someone like you Markie, she must be traumatized by now," he said sadly.

"Her? She's traumatized?!" The elder of the two exclaimed offended. "Atleast she wasn't the one screaming running for their damn lives while there's a bloody ass cat chasing them around growling with her nails out!"

"You scared her," the brunet said unplugging the heater as he poured the hot water on the two cups of noodles. "It was self defense," he shrugged.

"Biased," Mark muttered. "If you didn't get back here early, you would've found me dead in your apartment floor with my eye balls in Bongsik's paws." He huffs.

Jeno rolled his eyes, "don't be dramatic," he said opening the door to his bedroom and immediately picking up his pet cat.

"Hi angel~" he cooed ignoring the glare Mark was giving towards his baby, "did you have fun playing with Markie?" He said carrying Bongsik to the kitchen.

Mark moved his cup of noodles away as Bongsik meowed at him, "had fun trying to kill me?" He glared.

"Don't be mean," Jeno scolds pecking Bongsik's head and scratching her belly. "My little baby~"

Mark only grimaced and continued eating his food as him and Bongsik were having a non-existent staring contest while Jeno was busy eating too, but also staring off.

"My dear soulmate, would you call me "baby" too?"

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