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The second to last bell of the day rang. The halls flooded with students wanting to get to the last class of the day. All of them pushing and shoving and some even standing there blocking the way. Move out the way we have places to be.

I get to my locker grabbing everything I needed so that I can just walk straight out of here and not needing to go back to the wave of students that were surrounding my locker.

I make it to my last class of the day with a minute to spare. I am a junior taking Precalculus. Crazy right? I was one of the handful of juniors in this senior math class. I wasn't a "nerd" but I guess I was in a way. I loved math. Math to me was always easy and fun but not a lot of people can agree with me.

Class goes by fast as I'm writing down my last few notes. I didn't really have a lot of friends in this class or in school in general so paying attention in this class was easy. But then again there were your typical senior boys trying to hit on me but I ignore them as always. I would never let them get to me because they were cocky, rude, and only wanted one thing. Sex. Horny motherfuckers.

My school was filled with them. They would hit on every girl sometimes even twice. I personally have been hit on multiple times by this one guy. I mean I don't get it. I was pretty average looking, with brown hair, hazel eyes, and a butt and boobs. Obviously, they weren't the biggest but they were visible so at least I had something.

When you live in a small town you're limited on options so I guess that was one of the reasons the boys in our school were so desperate for anyone. I gather up my things and swing my bag over my shoulder ready to leave. Before even making it to the door I get stopped by Mrs.Henry.

"Athena, can I talk to you for a second?" Mrs.Henry asks.

"Yeah of course." I walk towards her.

"One of my students is um well...failing my class. And you are my top student. I was wondering if you can tutor him. I don't want to move him down a math class just yet because I know he's smart and has potential he just doesn't want to use it. I was thinking maybe you can motivate and push him to get that grade up. And if he isn't understanding my class well that's where the tutoring part comes in handy." She gives me an assuring smile.

I think about my answer for a second. "Do I get any benefits from this?"

"Well, I can put a good word for you on your college application when the time comes around and you'll feel like a great person for helping me." She gives me a cheap answer.

"Yeah, sure why not." I give in.

"Thank you, Athena. This means a lot. Tutoring is after school. Does that fit your schedule?" I nod. "Great well the student you will be tutoring is Theo Gray." I gasp.

"Is that ok?" Mrs.Henry asks with a concerned tone.

"Yes, sorry. There is no problem." There was a big problem!

"Ok great, well I'll see you on Monday. I'll bring him here at the end of the day so that I can introduce you guys to one another and study afterwards. Have a great weekend Athena and thank you again."

"You too Mrs.Henry." I wave goodbye at her and walking out of her classroom into the school parking lot.

I get into my best friend, Lucas's car. He was one of the only people I can stand at this school.

"What took you so long? You owe me gas money." He sticks his hand out waiting for me to drop something in it.

"I know, I'm sorry but I've got a big problem."

First chapter♥️
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