Thoughts. Thoughts clouded my head. I'm laying in my bed watching Netflix ready to go to sleep. Even watching a movie didn't help distract me.As if our first meet up could have been worse. I knew it was going to be hard working with his rude and stubbornness but I didn't know it was going to be this hard. He could have been nicer to me or at least made up an excuse to leave not just leave me standing there dumbfounded.
I try to think of something else and drift to sleep.
_______________________________The sun beamed through my curtains telling me to wake up. I do my morning routine in the bathroom, got dressed, ate, and headed out the door. Lucas was parked in front of my house waiting for me. I have my licenses and my own car but I love morning drives with Lucas. I don't always ride with him but when I do, it's fair that I give him gas money.
We get to school and park. As we walk towards the building I see Theo and his friends standing around his car just staring at girls that walk by and vaping trying to hide the smoke. Don't they have something else better to do like oh I don't know get to class? No wonder he's failing math. I'm not a huge smoker fan. I tried a vape pen once and let's just say I'll never try it again.
I get to my first period and pass out. History always bored me. I would fall asleep but somehow I always knew what we were talking about.
Lunch finally comes around. Lucas and I go out to eat at Subway. Subway isn't my first choice to eat out at but again small town, fewer options.
"So do you have to study with Mr.Grumpy again today?" Lucas takes a bite of his sub.
"I didn't even tutor him yesterday he just walked out on me and basically told me that I'm useless to him and to get lost." I crunch on my sun chips.
"Wow, at least he had the guts. I've been trying to tell that to you since freshman year." He laughs. And I throw a chip at him.
"But seriously, am I that bad? What is it about me? Am I not "tutor" material. Does he prefer blonde tutors?" I scoff. "Forget it, I'm done trying to help him. If he isn't going to try then neither am I."
"So what are you going to do? Tell Mrs.Henry that you're a quitter. Come on Athena, you and I both know you can't and won't do that." Ugh, he's right. "Just be patient, give him a few days and if he doesn't give in then torture and threaten him." He gives me an evil smile.
"I guess...but if he doesn't, then I'll "threaten" him and if that doesn't work then I'll back out."
"That's the spirit. C'mon let's go or we will be late."
We pack our things and head to his car. We drive back to that hell hole.

All I wanted
RomanceTutoring one of the hottest typical fuckboy with daddy issues at my school is easy right? Wrong. I won't catch feeling right? Very wrong. The cliché love story between Theo and Athena. Easy read/ fast paste storyline