Myself, my story (Intro)

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School doesn't feel that forced anymore and for me to say this, it's just weird. I'm back from a long vacation that lasted two months and it wasn't enough. I'm back for my last high school year and I know it sounds weird but I'm pretty excited about it!

My best friends look at me like I'm some kind of weirdo for thinking that this might be the best year when they think it's the worst because it's ending. I would say the same thing but I'm glad it's ending... I mean at least we have lots of memories...

So I'll tell you a little bit about me and them and our story...

I'm Anthony, 17 year old, with "little" curls as my friend call it and olive skin. That's a weird description I know but I think it's pretty much myself. You kind of know by now that I'm italian.. and if you didn't now you know! (so corny). I pretty much enjoy video games more than anything else and editing isn't that bad, I have a secret passion for drawing and acting, those are things that my friends don't know that much about. Speaking of my friends! I'll tell you about them!

First we have Michelle, she's pretty much the only girl in my group and no, I'm not dating her. She has a mix of brown/purple hair which I think it's really cool, she has brown eyes and also an adorable british accent, second time, no I don't like her and we're not dating. Everyone thinks she might be either a lesbian or bisexual, I pretty much don't care, she can do whatever she wants to or love whoever she wants to. Well anyway she's the sweetest person ever.

Then we have my best friend in the group who's Steven, he's a little bit shorter than me, he has kind of like brown eyes, I can't really tell and he also has kind of like dark brown hair. I think he's awesome in so many ways, we both share that love for video games and we pretty much are like brothers or something! I wouldn't know what to do without him! .

Last but not least we have Max, he's the tallest one, dark brown eyes and hair, and he's hispanic, you can tell by his voice. He's great at impressions and he might seem like a bad guy or a little rough because that's what I thought when I first met him but then I started to know him better and he's not bad at all, one of the nicest persons I ever met.

Well that's pretty much it, except for one thing, my boyfriend.


You didn't see that coming? Of course you did, stop pretending.

My boyfriend's name is Adam, he's a little bit shorter than me but he likes to call himself "the man of the relationship" and his brown eyes and everything about him is just great. I met him when he joined our school and the first day the teacher introduced him to us, I couldn't stop looking at him, I looked like a complete idiot but I didn't care at all! .

He's the only one who can make me stupid in like seconds and when I was away, I literally just called, texted or skyped him all the time and my dad was getting tired but my mom thought it was cute.

Adam is literally the only person I felt this way about and I love it.

I look like a school girl blushing like crazy!

I need to stop seriously. Anyway! My story...

I met all of my friends when I started high school, my parents decided to move here because of work and things like that. Well yeah I couldn't help but feel bad about leaving my other friends but it was a new start, and Steven helped me a lot when I started high school, everyone was new to me, but I learned who was good, who was bad and who was evil in less than a week.

After some people found that I was "the gay new kid", I got an awful lot of insults and messages on facebook asking for me to "Kill myself" and it was a low point, I was kind of devastated honestly, it's like everything came crashing down. My friends helped me a lot through that year and I couldn't be more grateful for having them, I picked up some bad habits.. but then I stopped. Because I didn't thought that I was going to meet my first boyfriend and my first love the next year.

The bad habits thing is going luckily but it's weird looking back and thinking that I used to be a suicidal kid, my parents where never home so they never knew much of what happened to me inside of school or outside of school, I was so depressed that I thought that my parents didn't care about me anymore.

But I got through, the hate kind of stopped and I have Steven, I have Max, I have Michelle, but most importantly I have Adam.

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