What does it mean?

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-Being his boyfriend right now it's impossible
-Give him time, he'll figure it out

>Anthony's P.O.V.<

-So you're saying someone came to my house and changed my anxiety pills for this other pills? -I asked.
-It's technically what I'm saying, I mean I don't think you have date rape pills in your house..
-Of course not! but who would do that? and why?

I looked at him confused, like I mean they were just creepy notes and texts..

-Sam is just some stupid notes, I don't think this person would go that far  right?
-We don't even know if this person is actually what we think he or she is
-I have no clue on why blackmailing me..
-Us.. more like you, me, Michelle and Adam..
-And Max.. wait Michelle and Adam too!?!?
-Why did you think they were acting so weird?
-Well Max wasn't acting weird but he got texts too.. and you!? why didn't you tell me!?
-Because I knew you would freak out! so please calm down and I'll tell you what mine said, I don't know Michelle's or Adam's but I'll tell you about mine..

I calmed down because if Steven knows something about me is that I tend to panic a lot when it comes to other people getting hurt, but in this case is blackmailed and I don't know how to help them.

-I got only two luckily -he said while looking on his phone for the texts-. So the first one said: "Is Michelle trying to hide something from you? a little secret? ;) -S.A.M." and the second one said: "Stop trying to figure out who I am Steven, it's not going to work -S.A.M." I guess he or she send me that one because yesterday I was trying to figure out who it was and didn't get any clues at all, but "the Michelle thing"
-Michelle seems to be hiding something so that's true but what is it? I mean she's the most honest and loyal person I ever met..
-Adam isn't like that?..
-Well lately, no
-I guess it's because of S.A.M. and he's trying to protect you, I mean this person might haS drugged you Anthony..
-I know and it's fucked up but it kills me not to know that Adam's being blackmailed and I can't do anything..
-He'll tell you at some point but remember he's just protecting you, he loves you..

>Michelle's P.O.V.<

I got home, no texts, no notes or emails from Sam yet but he/she was going to try to get me at my worst probably. Later today Steven called me to tell me about the pills and that was insane, I mean Anthony is probably one of the nicest persons in the world and he gets drugged with date rape pills!?

I was guessing it had to do with Sam since it looks like it's not texts anymore.. it's more like a game, us trying to figure out who this person is while this person plays with our lives like we're it's toys.

-Babe? is something wrong -I forgot I was actually skyping Kristen right now and I was distracted about almost everything right now.
-No, no.. is just something weird happened in school today
-You can tell me about it if you want to
-Well you know my friend Anthony, the italian one I told you about..
-When he entered I noticed he was pale and he looked confused and dizzy and I helped him and he told me that he only took two pills for his anxiety and then he passed out
-For what I know anxiety pills don't make you pass out, I mean one of my friends has anxiety and he never passed out from two..
-That's the thing, they weren't anxiety pills.. they were date rape pills and they looked just like his anxiety pills!
-Why would he take those pills anyway?
-We think someone changed them..

And she went silent for a second and then said something to me

-Do you know anyone named Ryan in your school?
-No.. why?
-I have a friend named Ryan who goes to your school, just if you ever hear his name, tell him that I say to cut the crap

And she logged out.

>Max's P.O.V.<

S.A.M. I literally been thinking about this person the whole day and it's getting annoying. Reene left a while go to one of her friend's house and I'm here thinking if I should do this or not, and by this I mean go and talk to Adam about what Anthony told me, if Anthony's getting creepy texts, his boyfriend should know right? I mean I hate that guy with a passion but this isn't about him, it's about one of my best friends. Also Steven told me about the pills and I just want him to protect him if any of us can't, well he has to.

-Hello? -he said and even his voice annoyed me.
-Don't hang up, it's Max but I'm calling you because of something very important right now
-What is it?

I just sighed, I was trusting on him to not tell Anthony that I told him

-Anthony's getting creepy notes
-Yes, Sam and also we think this person changed his pills
-Why would he or she do that?
-Because he's a creepy person who's trying to play with the five of us
-I guess it makes sense.. do you have any idea of who this person could be?
-Not at all..

>Adam's P.O.V.< (Four P.O.V. I'm insane I know)

Anthony doesn't want me to worry about him, asking me that seems impossible to me, I can't not worry about my boyfriend who's getting blackmailed and also drugged by this psycho.

The thing is I'm the only one who's not Anthony's friend, I'm his boyfriend but I get along with Michelle and Steven. I have my own friends who are Jordan, Hutch and Mark (Markiplier if you're wondering).


-Stands for Steven.Adam/Anthony.Michelle/Max

And two seconds later I got a text

-"Got it -S.A.M."

A/N: Thanks for reading, hugs from Buenos Aires, now you know what it means so... yeah.. I made it easier ;D

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