The Day Of Being "Worried"

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-Sometimes, I think this school is just too normal.. I need something different, so I hope college is going to be much better than this
-Do you have any idea of where are you going to go?
-No, but I know it's going to be away from here, from this town..

>Anthony's P.O.V.<

I found it weird that he told me that, why would he hate this town so much? I didn't see anything wrong with it, it sounds weird for me specifically to say that because I had many reasons to hate it, but I didn't.
I guess it's because I found amazing people who made it easier for me to like this town other than hate it, but why would he say that? I know he's not everyone's favorite person but.. whatever I guess he has his reasons to get away from here, like I should have mine but I don't.

If you're wondering who that was, his name is "Cry" at least that's what he told me, I didn't thought it was weird because I like when people call me Chilled and Steven likes to call himself Ze, so I don't see a problem with wanting to have a nickname. I guess his problem it's his mask, it has a poker face on it and he loves wearing it. No one knows what he looks like and I don't mind, because it's his choice but I wish everyone could think the same way.

He's not a bad person, he's just misunderstood and that's completely fine. I just wish I could find a way to get close to him without being too creepy and not give him the wrong impression.

I guess I should ask Michelle about it, they were friends for a while and then she said that Cry "distanced himself" so they stopped talking and Michelle started to wonder why but never got the answer.

I got out of class and went into my locker when Adam came up to me
and it was weird for two reasons, one he appeared out of nowhere when
I was looking for him like an idiot before and two, he wasn't with any of
his friends.

Here's the thing: his friends are literally idiots, it's not that I hate them I
just can't stand them.

Well he can't stand Max, but that's another story.

-Adam where were you? -I asked like the typical jealous girlfriend.
-I texted you saying I was going to be late!
-No you didn't!
-I did!
-Nah! -I got my phone out seeing if it was true.
-Sorry, I guess I didn't hear it.. but why did you come late anyway?

He just sighed and looked at me, he had a worried expression but I
didn't say anything about that because he cut me off.

-Oh, I just got late because I was supposed to come here with Jordan and
he didn't show up! -he said and I knew he was lying but I wasn't going to
question it-. You know what sweetie we'll talk later! -he gave a quick kiss
and left.

What was that all about?

Maybe I should trust Adam and stop, trying to read people's faces..

Yeah that's what I was going to do, so I just went to class like that
conversation never happened.

>Time Skip< (because I can, and I will, and I'm going to)

Steven and I were literally passing notes during our last class because it

looks like I'm not the only noticing people acting "weird".

(S for Steven and A for Anthony)

S: Hey, what's up with Michelle?
A: Haven't seen her, why you ask?
S: I literally was talking to her, she got some text and told me I had to go
with like a panicked expression
A: Well Adam was literally worried about me finding out why he got late
S: Really? there's obviously something up
A: But why would it had to do with Michelle and Adam? I mean they
don't talk that much, do they?
S: Not that I know
A: Are we willing to find out?
S: Maybe..
A: Team RoyalChaos?
S: Seriously?
A: Yes
S: Okay then, #TeamRoyalChaos

And we got out of class.

Finally! We found Max who was on his locker putting his things back, and weirdly he seemed like the only one who didn't look worried at all.

-Hey guys, what's up? -he asked.
-Nothing much, have you seen Adam or Michelle anywhere? -Ze asked.
-I haven't seen Adam but I did see Michelle, she was on the library last time I saw her and she was asking for some kind of book and next time I looked if she was there, she wasn't.
-That's odd especially coming from Michelle -I said.
-What do you mean? -Max said confused.
-I mean that Michelle is not like.. suspicious.. I mean she seems always so relaxed about every situation..
-Yeah, I guess she really needed that book, anyway! I have to go home to prepare myself for a date with Reene -he said smiling, Reene it's his girlfriend if you didn't guess!-. So I'll see you tomorrow in French
-Bye and good luck man! -Ze and I waved at him.

And as soon as he left, I said

-Well that wasn't suspicious at all
-I know right?
-Well anyway, I said to myself earlier I wasn't going to try to read their faces...
-Anthony you're literally doing that right now
-Let me finish, but something's up and maybe it's bad and I want to know if my boyfriend is safe and if my best friend is safe, is it the right thing to do? -I said everything so fast that maybe he didn't understand but he did.
-Hey calm down! I know you worry too much and it's not a bad thing because maybe something is up, but we're not going to do this with too much pressure on right? -he said and I could feel how he was really calm about this whole situation.
-I know, I know, I know -I don't know why three times but I know-. Sorry, we'll talk tomorrow okay?
-Okay, bye! and try to stay calm -he said to me before leaving.

I looked for Adam but of course he wasn't anywhere, he left.

For some reason it made me sad but maybe it was an emergency and he needed to leave, right? I guess?

I went to my locker and left all of my stuff there

When I noticed that under a couple photos from me and Steven, and some of Adam's, there was a note: "Is your precious boyfriend being suspicious? I guess he's not so perfect eh? -S.A.M".

A/N: First chapter, DONE. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading as always! Hugs from Buenos Aires and stay adorable! Also what does S.A.M. stand for and who is Sam?

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