Evil Notes

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-Should I tell Adam?
-Not yet, unless you keep getting them
-It kind of feels like I'm keeping stuff away from him
-I know but remember that maybe this note is right and he's keeping stuff away from you too, we all have secrets right?

>Steven's P.O.V.<

I remember getting home and when I turned on my cellphone, I had like 10 messages from Anthony, telling me to call him. Yes, that's something Anthony doesn't like saying but he's pretty much worried about everyone and everything most of the time, it may seem like he has panic attacks but it's just him trying to take care of everything at the same time which is not that healthy.

-Anthony, I told you to stop being worried about it, everything will be fine -I said as soon as I called him.
-Wait no, that's not what I'm calling you for
-Oh.. then what is it? -I said confused.
-When you left, I went to my locker as always to leave my stuff and I noticed something really weird

And now all of the sudden I was the one concerned and confused

-Under some pictures from Adam, and our friends, etc.. I found a note
-Did it say anything strange?
-Yes, really strange..
-Could you read it to me?
-"Is your precious boyfriend being suspicious, I guess he's not that perfect eh?" and then it says Sam but like all the letters with points
-Like S.A.M.?
-Exactly! do you have any idea what it means?
-Well this Sam guy or whatever knows that's something's up with Adam
-What if it's just a lie and this guy or girl whatever is playing with me?
-Maybe.. but you know that Adam was acting "suspicious" this morning so why would he be lying?
-And why would this person know that Adam was lying?
-Because maybe this person's the reason that Adam was late in the first place

And that's when we both stayed silent because this was just confusing and a weird way to start our last year in high school.

-Anthony, just try to stay calm yeah? I don't want you to freak out over a note..
-Yeah, you're right it's probably not a big deal

And the call ended.

>Anthony's P.O.V.<

I don't know what's going, I don't need to care about what's going on, if this just keeps getting even more weird, I'll just call Adam... yeah just like Steven told me.

Anyway, I had to go to Cry's house.. yeah I know weird, because we're doing a project together that's why I was talking to him this morning and that's why I'm curious about what's going with him and his mask but again, I don't want to be creepy. And if you're wondering, the teacher chose him as my partner because well I'm actually good at this class and he's kind of failing so he would like me to help him.

Cry's house is not that far away from mine, I don't know how I haven't noticed that.. I knock on the door and there he is, still with the mask and with that green jumper that he wears most of the time.

-Well you're ready to do this? -I asked.
-Nope, not at all, I don't understand shit to be honest
-That's why I'm here!
-I know, thank god

And I just laughed, he was a funny person for what we've been working on, he just made stupid jokes about the teacher and our classmates and to be honest I agreed with him about everything. It's like he understand what I've been through because he's been through that too.

So that's what we did literally, we talked about our stupid friends because he did have friends, they were just from an another school and that made me think about when I moved here, I stopped talking to most of them. His friends were called Felix and Kristen, Felix was a swedish guy with blonde hair and blue eyes and Kristen was a hispanic girl with dark brown hair and one of her eyes is red, well he thinks that.

-Hey Adam is your boyfriend right? -He asked me when I was looking up in his computer for some kind of information.
-Yeah, he is.. why?
-I would love to find a boyfriend like you did..
-Wait you're gay too? -I said kind of surprised.
-Yep, but no one in our school knows so it would be great if you didn't tell them..
-Your secret is safe with me..

And that's when he said another thing that caught my attention

-He was acting kind of weird in Algebra
-What do you mean? -I inmediatly stopped looking at the computer and looked at him.
-I mean, he was texting some other guy in class, Jordan? I think?
-He was texting that guy and then someone gave him a book with  note and he left in the middle of the class.. I thought it was kind of odd and I should tell you
-Do you know who gave him the book with the note?
-Oh yeah! the tall guy you hang out with! the hispanic guy..


-That can't be true, they kind of hate each other..
-Well I saw it with my own eyes.. behind my mask obviously

I literally could feel him smirk even tough I couldn't see him..

When we finished and I said goodbye to him, I didn't know who to call.. I mean I could call Steven but he would hate me and tell me to stop worrying about everything, I couldn't call Max he's on his date, Michelle well I don't even know she's the other one who's acting weird and Adam? things didn't get out of hand yet. AND WHO IS SAM ANYWAY!?

I just went home, I fed my cat (he has a cat not a guinea pig, I don't know why, he just does) and started to think about everything.

What a strange way to start high school for the last time...

>Adam's P.O.V.< (Oh oh)

Keeping secrets away from Anthony is like the worst thing in the world. No, I'm not cheating on him if that's what you're thinking! there's just weird stuff going on, that's it.

The first one I got it in the middle of the night when I got home from taking Anthony to his house when he got back from his trip. It said: "The adorable panicked italian boyfriend is back, do you know if he still has that razor on him? you should probably check that! -S.A.M." I knew about Anthony's really dark past and he always says how I saved him so when I read this I just thought it was some sick joke but it made me think what if Anthony's still doing it?.

Why did you go to school so late Adam? well the second text came when I was leaving it said: "Worried boyfriend is acting like an annoying prick! If you only knew he likes Max much more than you -S.A.M." Only the second text but this guy or girl was annoying the hell out of me. No, Max is not that great as Anthony says, he's just a douchebag and to be honest I hate that he is Anthony's friend. Here's the thing: Max was so overprotective over Anthony when he told him that he was my boyfriend, he didn't trust me at all and he still doesn't but he didn't even give me a chance, also he treats me and my friends like crap! We didn't even do anything to him and there was one time where I lost my mind and almost beat the shit out of him but luckily Steven was there to stop it and he wasn't going to tell Anthony, anything about it. The problem is a tryed texting back to this anonymous number and this person never texted back so I was just waiting for this idiot to text back, but the Jordan story was true, he told me he couldn't pick me up and I had to go school walking.

Third note, and I think this one was the worst. Why did Max give you that note Adam? Well technically it wasn't a note it was a book that had a note that said "Adam Montoya" on it, the book was called (not real, it's actually one of my fanfics) "Secrets & Promises" and it was all about literally how the title said, friends making promises but still having secrets with each other, it was created by four friends who then stopped being friends because well everyone went their own way and it looks like it wasn't that good because one of them had depression and died, the other one had to get into a mental hospital and the other two looks like they disappeared and nothing was heard from them again. When I opened the book was the surprise I have been waiting for, that made me walk out of class:

"Let's see how much you worry your boyfriend that ends up with the suicide he always wanted to commit -S.A.M."

A/N: Thank you for reading, hugs from Argentina, and pay attention to every detail because everything here is a clue.

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