Growing Insecurities

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-Care less and you won't be so stressed 

-Like that's possible...

>Steven's P.O.V.<

-Michelle... why didn't you tells us? -I said to her as soon as the bell rang.

-Because I was scared of how you were going to react! and besides it's not something I feel comfortable with yet...

-There's nothing to be ashamed of -I was following her and then we stopped.

-Look, just don't tell anyone because I want to tell them myself besides I don't know if they know yet because of Sam and stuff like that, so let's keep it a secret -she said to me.


-Good, now where's Anthony? I'm worried about him and I haven't seen him -she said to me.

It was like magic, as soon as she said it he appeared and he looked confused? worried? about to die? well he always looks like that, he's really anxious.

-Guys I really want to get home, can you please tell Adam that I feel really sick or something like that? -he said to us, and he did look sick but it felt more like he was depressed and tired.

-Sure Ant, but did something happen? -I asked him.

-It wasn't a fight but it was something stupid and I freaked out and well... I really don't want to talk to him -He grabbed his things from his locker-. I'll see you guys tomorrow I guess -And with that, he left.

Michelle and I knew Ant too well to know that those little stupid things, were more serious to him than to Adam but we let him go, because he needed to rest, it's stressing him out and time isn't on his side.

>Adam's P.O.V.<

Anthony doesn't want to talk to me, at all. He left school and I know that it was because of me and I wished I had followed him but here's the thing... I can't.

Things for me are... difficult...

S.A.M. loves me the most, I'm his number one target.

"Your boyfriend needs to lose some weight, if you don't say it, I will and in the worst way possible" -S.A.M.

"He was drugged by two pills, damn now it's much easier to kill him!" -S.A.M.

"I'm gonna make him my bitch and some stupid things, will just make him break up with you" -S.A.M.

They were all related to Anthony...

The first one kills me because I don't want to do it, I have been the number one reason of why he isn't starving and I don't wanna be the reason of his tears... it would break my heart to see him insecure. But what if something worse happens?... this person drugged him, this person wouldn't hesitate to kill him.

The second one just says it, and if Anthony dies, I die... simple. I can't live without Ant, he has become so much to me and he is my main reason to wake up every morning. He is the love of my life and I'm sure about it. I can't let anything hurt him but as I said... this person wouldn't even hesitate.

Anthony is smarter than that, I know he is but the third message kind of hit me hard because of the reason that he's anxious, he would freak out if he heard that I did something to him and in this situation, he would be the one who wouldn't hesistate to break up with me.

>Anthony's P.O.V<

I need to rest, I really needed to rest.

Why would Jordan drug me? I don't like him and he doesn't like me but that's no reason to drug me. Could he be Sam? I don't know, would that be too obvious? I just don't know...

I don't want to think about Adam, or Sam, or that I've been drugged or anything right now. I need a break, it's too much.

Just when I laid on my bed, I got a message.

"Look I'm gonna be honest, I think you should go on a diet, as much as I love you... you just don't look good like you did before"

... Adam?

Adam sent this?

To me?


The person who has always been saying that I look perfect from the bottom to the top and that I shouldn't change no matter what everyone said, is now saying that I should go on a diet.

Don't answer Anthony.

Stay calm.

Maybe he's joking...



I don't look good.

I looked at myself in the mirror and... he was right I should start my diet again or maybe I'll just do it quicker and start self harming again right?

He wouldn't mind.

He wants me to look good.

I got another message, so I looked at my phone.

"What are those tears Anthony? did your little boyfriend make you cry by saying the truth?" -S.A.M.

I looked out of my window and there was nobody there, my tears didn't stop and my heart felt like it was just torn, numb and it was like a storm that never ended. It hurts... it really hurts.

I threw my phone and I started crying really hard and I didn't care if someone could hear me.

I just didn't care. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2016 ⏰

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