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A/N don't freak out, this is the LAST CHAPTER but I'm already thinking about adding a Christmas special later on. There'll also be a sequel!!

Josephine POV

The last few days in Canada have been amazing, me and Hero have done some light sightseeing, we've been catching up on some couple's activities and we've been having some serious conversations that were avoided in the past.

I now feel like I can trust him completely, and I know I won't let my anxieties ruin this relationship for me. Hero is so patient with me, I don't know what I did to deserve someone like him in my life.

The only thing we've both been too chicken to talk about was the future. I know we want to be together, but I don't know how long we can keep making the long distance work, it almost ruined what we have. Not to mention that we didn't talk about if we want to go public or not.

On one hand I know it would help if we were official, but on the other I just know that if the fans find out, there'll be too much pressure on us and if we ever broke up there would be a lot of backlash from the fandom.

Right now I'm standing at the window, with only one of Hero's shirts on me. I'm so deep in my thoughts that I don't notice the presence behind me, making me jump when I feel him touch me. Hero hugs me, pressing against my back and placing a kiss on the back of my head.

"What's on your mind love?" he asks me, burring his nose in my hair. I put my arms on his, hugging him to me tighter.

I sigh "Nothing. Just the future" I answer turning my head to press a kiss on his jaw. He hums in response and makes me turn in his arms.

He puts his index under my chin making me look at him in the eyes "What about the future?", I can feel the doubt in his voice and I know that we share the same worries about what's to come.

I take his hands in mine and bring him to the small couch in the room. Hero sits down, making me sit sideways on he lap, with my head in the crook of his neck.

Once we're both comfortable a start talking "just the future in general. I think about how we'll make it work long distance. I think about if we should go public or not. Just... the future" I've learned from my mistakes, I now know that I need to talk with Hero about my worries and doubts because he can set my mind at ease.

He stays silent for a few moments "do you want to talk about it? Maybe it's time we do" the last part seems more like an afterthought, but I agree, it's time.

"Do you think we should go public?" I ask, playing with the hem of the shirt I'm wearing. He knows what I think about it, but I want to know what he would prefer.

He seems to be thinking about it for a while "I thought about it when we were apart, I think wee should wait and see what happens. If it comes out, we'll deal with it, but should keep our privacy while we can".

I love how he compromised what he wanted to do with my ideas on the matter. I don't want to jinx it but I think he might be it for me. I love him so much, and I know he loves me too, I'd do anything to be with him, the weeks we spent apart were torture for me.

I feel stupid for thinking these things, like I'm not acting like a strong woman. But I think that even strong women should be allowed that someone they can be weak around. I think Hero might be that person for me, he knows I'm strong but he also knows my weaknesses and loves me for them, and I do the same for him.

I kiss him on the lips to thank him, before continuing onto our biggest problem "what should we do about long distance?" I ask, even though I'm afraid of the answer.

He tightens his hold on me and kisses underneath my ear "I don't know, I want to be with you, but I'm not ready to leave London for good" this is what makes it difficult.

I rub my nose on his neck "I know, and I can't move to London, my career is in LA and if I were to leave, I'd probably go to my family in Perth".

Silence envelops the room, me still in Hero's arms, neither of us wanting to accept the consequences of our decisions.

Once I've thought about it I break the silence "I think we could make it, at least long enough to decide if this is worth moving for one of us".

Hero seems to think about it for a few seconds "Okay... but we need to decide what is the thing that's going to make the decision" I hadn't thought about it, we need something that signals it's time to decide.

"what if we wait the end of After? We have until then to grow this relationship, before we decide where we're going to live. What do you say?" I hope he likes this idea, it should be long enough for both of us to get rid of any doubt we have about this relationship.

He places his hand on my check "I agree" he says, before kissing me. Now that we have some guidelines I'm not nervous. I'm sure we'll make it work.

"I love you" I whisper against his lips.

"I love you" he responds placing his forehead against mine.


Thank you all for staying with me till the end!!! I appreciate your love so much. See you next time!!!

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