Team Introductions

444 13 1

•~Age: 12~•





Hinata flinched when she saw Naruto drop to the floor, her eyes gleaming with worry for the blonde boy. From her right, Kiba had his ears covered with a look of pain painting his features with Akamaru doing the same. "Can they stop shouting bloody murder for just one day?" Kiba huffed with his slitted eyes glaring at the three loud genin.

"Says the one who shouts 'Yahoo' everyday." A monotone voice stated from her left, and she giggled into her hand when Kiba glared at the Aburame heir with a pout. "That's not the point Shino!" Kiba whined with Akamaru barking happily which made the Inuzuka snap, "Shattup Akamaru! You're no better!"

Hinata kept giggling as Shino asked, "'Shattup'? You're more of an idiot than I thought, Kiba."

Kiba sulked with his head on his desk and an air of depression surrounding him, "Why me?"

Hinata rubbed the Inuzuka's back in reassurance although with amusement in her eyes. A head suddenly popped up from Hinata's cream jacket and it was revealed to be a long eared fox with dark burgundy fur and menacing crimson eyes. Another popped up but it had short ears with golden yellow fur and narrow cerulean blue eyes.

"Stop sulking, pup. You're teacher's here." The one with dark red-orange fur snarled.

The blonde fox sighed at its counterpart. "Kurama, stop being harsh."

"I'll stop being harsh when the pink banshee stops fawning over duck-ass hair over there."

Hinata frowned and said, "Kurama-kun..."

Immediately, he looked over with bright eyes and once seeing her disappointed frown, he huffed and glared ahead. Hinata sighed just as Iruka began class.


'I don't know how I should feel being in a team with Naruto-kun and Sasuke-san...' Was her thought as she sat between the brooding Uchiha and impatient Uzumaki. On one hand, Minato could spend much more time with Naruto, his son, and be much more content. Yet on the other, she didn't really believe the blonde and Uchiha would be...compatible...with each other.

Hinata saw Naruto stomp towards the blackboard, grab the chalk-dusted eraser, and tried to wedge the object between the sliding door and the doorway whilst ontop of a stool. "Dobe, our teacher isn't going to fall for that; he's an elite jonin." She jumped slightly when Sasuke spoke to Naruto, his abyssal eyes glaring at the orange-obsessed genin. Naruto ignored him.

"A-ano...Naruto-kun? Sasuke-san is right..." Hinata piped up, her eyes gleaming with worry. Naruto answered her, however, without turning his body around to face her, "If he's an 'elite jonin', then he could easily dodge this." Naruto had said, mocking Sasuke's voice.

"Dodge what?"

Naruto yelled in shock as he fell off the stool, face flat, with a man Hinata recognized as Kakashi Hatake, former student of Minato.

'Ah! Kakashi-san is my sensei!' Hinata brightened up tenfold.

•~Flashback: Hinata is 7~•

Thunk! Thunk! Thunk!

Hinata panted lightly as the shuriken she threw hit the target, some hitting below it and ontop of it, with her eyes hooded with exhaustion. "You shouldn't overexert yourself, Hinata-chan." Minato said with a concerned frown. She didn't reply for she was trying to regain her breath.

A pair of feet suddenly appeared in her line of sight, and she looked up to see a masked man with gravity-defying silver hair blinking at her. "What's a cute little princess like you training so late?"

Her cheeks flushed brightly when she realized that it was past sundown and stuttered, "E-eh?! G-g-gomenasai!"

"No need to say sorry," The man said, "You didn't do anything wrong." He then sent a comforting eye smile.

Hinata blinked before sending him a warm smile. "E-excuse me, Shinobi-san, but I-I have to retrieve m-my shuriken."

"I'll help." He said, "Oh, and I'm Kakashi."

From beside her, Minato smiled warmly-like a father would to his son. "Kakashi sure has grown. You can trust this man, Hinata-chan, he was my student."

Hinata grinned at Minato's words and taking Kakashi's gloved hand, she gently dragged him towards her scattered shuriken. "I-it's nice to meet you, Kakashi-san."

"Likewise, Hinata-chan."

•~•~•~•Flashback End•~•~•~•~•

"My first impression of you," She was brought back to Kakashi's voice, "You guys are idiots. Meet me on the roof in five." With that, Kakashi shushined.

"WHAT?! IM NOT AN IDIOT, YA GREY-HAIRED GRANDPA!!" Naruto yelled in absolute anger as he stomped out of the classroom and made a hard right.

"Naruto-kun, the staircase to the roof is the other way!" Hinata's soft voice echoed.

A minute later, Naruto was seen stomping the right direction whilst muttering under his breath. Hinata sighed as Kurama's jaw clenched. Sasuke turned to her and grasped the open door. Hinata blinked before walking out and smiling, "Arigato, Sasuke-san."

He grunted and once they were out, he closed the door and walked with her to the roof.

Once on the roof, Hinata sat down with her legs tucked underneath her and her hands flat on her lap. Kurama crawled out of her jacket and sat on her lap with his eyes shining with boredom. Minato crawled out of her jacket as well, but instead jumped onto her head and sprawled his small body all over her head.

Hinata smiled at her two companions and rubbed Kurama's head.

"Alright, why don't you introduce yourselves?" Kakashi asked.

Naruto, still angry from earlier, snapped, "Why don't you introduce yourself?"

'I feel sorry for my good side...' Kurama's voice said with no hint of sympathy inside Hinata's head.

She felt Minato scoff lightly, 'You don't sound sorry.' Hinata kept herself from smiling as Kurama said, 'Yeah I'm not.'

"Now for the lady's turn." Kakashi's voice brought her from the conversation as she found Naruto and Sasuke looking at her. Well, Naruto rudely staring and Sasuke brooding. "My name is Hinata H-Hyūga. My likes are winter, music, books, and cinnamon rolls. M-my dislikes are those who judge others unfairly, bring others down, bullies, the color pink, selfish snobs, and being called weak. My hobbies are training, listening to music, reading books, and tending to my mother's garden." Her eyes grew soft as if remembering a fond memory, "My to change my clan for the better and reunite two people."

Hinata saw the confused look cross Naruto's face and just smiled at him with her eyes closed. 'Don't worry, Minato-sensei...Naruto-kun...I'll do everything and anything in my power to reunite you both.'

'Anything, and that's a promise.'

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