Day One

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Waking up in the Savoy Hotel felt right. Even though the room she was in was exquisitely decorated, it felt homie at the same time. The room had a living room, one bedroom suite, and an open kitchenette with a large, round table. Cecelia had decided that a hotel would be the right choice for the time being as her new job required a two month probationary period. Although she didn't foresee her work being an issue, she wanted to be free to leave should the need arise.

The first thing she planned to do today was to order room service. After getting dressed she would go down to the British Museum. She didn't start work today but she wanted to go as a tourist and see the artwork and artifacts like a visitor would. The Savoy had been the perfect choice since it was a quick five minute walk from the museum. It was also right next to a quaint little bakery she has seen last night.

Cecelia picked up the phone to call downstairs, "Good morning. I would like to order room service please." She was looking at the provided menu but already knew what she wanted.

"Of course madam. What can I get you?" The man's voice sounded much more awake than she was.

"May I have two scrambled eggs, two pieces of bacon, a small bowl of fruit, and a glass of orange juice."

"It will be right up. Is there anything else I can do for you?" She put down the menu on the table.

"I'm good for right now, thanks." 

"Have a lovely day." He hung up the phone.

Cici walked to the closet and chose a pair of tan straight-legged pants, a white sleeveless blouse, and nude Manolo's. After setting her outfit on the bed she made her way to the coffee bar and prepared a cup for herself.

By the time the food arrived five minutes later, Cecelia's stomach had started to growl. She placed the fork, spoon, and knife provided on the table and then put the plate of eggs in between. She sat and ate while scrolling through her phone. She checked the weather and the news. 

As she finished off her breakfast and proceeded to the bathroom for a shower, she thought of the man she had met the day before, Henry. She had been surprised, not by the fact that she had been flirted with but by how the flirting had made her feel. He was sexy, handsome, and the banter between them had been enjoyable. Wondering if she would bump into him again, she soaped her hands up with shampoo.

Out of the shower and dressed, she placed her empty breakfast tray outside the door and headed to the lobby. The doorman offered to hail her a cab but Cici chose to walk. It was a bright and warm day and the river gave off a pleasant breeze.


On the outside, the museum looked like the very idea of an overly large Regency estate. Walking into the museum placed you in a more modern setting. The ceiling of the atrium was glass, the walls were granite, and the floor was marble. In the center of the room the marble continued into a grand staircase that hugged a cylindrical ballroom on both sides. The majesty of the space caused Cecelia to momentarily loose her breath. She spotted a museum kiosk and bought a guide map for £2. She smiled to herself as she saw that this room was aptly named the "Great Court".

She knew she would be working primarily in the permanent Ancient Egyptian collection on level 2 once she started her work but Cici decided to think like a tourist and made her way to the first room on the left side of the atrium.

A little while later, in front of the Nereid monument Cici saw a women sketching in a notebook. Being the curious person she is, Cecelia peeked over the woman's shoulder. It was very good, a charcoal drawing of figures in various pursuits, mimicking the original.

"That's very good. Are you an artist?"

The woman stopped drawing and looked back at the voice who had spoken. "I am. Thank you."

"I'm sorry to intrude. You're sketch just really caught my eye."

"No, no, that's alright. Thanks for the compliment. Hey, are you American?"

Knowing how Americans are generally received in Europe, Cici was cautious. "Yes, I just moved here for work. Actually, I'm going to be working here."

"No shit. That's fantastic. I'm Sophie by the way."

Cecelia wasn't sure which part was the fantastic bit but she took it.

"Cecelia. Nice to meet you. Do you come here a lot?"

"Almost every day, I'm an art student at Royal College of Art. When I'm not there, I'm here."

"Wow, that's really great."

"Hey, if you're not here with anyone, I could show you around if you like. It can be a bit confusing if you don't know the shortcuts."

"Sure. That would be great, if you have to finish your drawing though..."

"Not a problem, I'll be back soon enough." She gave Cecelia a smile, took her arm, and pulled her toward the next room.

Three hours later both women decided that they were starving. Having chosen a café close by, Sophie asked Cecelia "Have you met any hot men yet?"

Remembering the day before she replied. "Actually, yeah."

"Spill it! Where? When? Didn't you just get here. I was only being half serious."

"Just after I arrived actually, I ended up at The Watchhouse and this very attractive guy was there. Our conversation only lasted a few minutes but it was nice."

"What did he look like? Details darling."

"He was about 6'1". Muscular. He had chestnut hair, cut short and amazing blue eyes."

"Facial hair?"


"Sounds hot. Did you get his number? Did he get yours?" Sophie gave Cecelia a wink.

"No." Cecelia had just seemed to realize she had not.

"God, you could never see him again! I would have jumped his bones."

Cecelia laughed. "He did ask me to let him be my tour guide."

"And you said no! Why?"

"Getting involved with a hot, probably not single, British dreamboat is the last thing I need at the moment."

"Everyone needs a hot, probably not single, fling once in a while Cecelia. Sounds like he wanted you in a good way, or a bad way. Both work."

They both laughed.

After finishing their meals, Sophie and Cecelia exchanged phone numbers and promised to see each other again soon. Sophie went back to her dorm room and Cici decide to visit Buckingham Palace because the day was still young and she was still a tourist.

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