Day Eleven

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Henry answered is phone. "Hello?"

"Hi." Her cheeks felt warm.

"How are you, Jedi?" She smiled at the stupidly adorable call sign.

"I'm good. Can I see you?"

"Come to the set. Can you be here at five?"

"Yes." There was a short pause.

"Are we okay?" 

"We're okay." She didn't want to say anymore because it might come out wrong. "I'll see you at five." She paused a moment. "Henry?"

"Yes?" He was hanging on her every word.

"I love you", she said firmly.

"I love you too." 

She got to the address he had texted her and followed his directions to a large black and silver RV. It said 'H. Cavill'. She knocked on the door and licked her lips.

He opened the door and they locked eyes. "Come in", he said eagerly. He stepped back but reached out his hand to help her up. She took it. "I'm really happy you came." She could tell he wanted to say more but was waiting for her.

She looked around the RV, a black leather jumpsuit that looked like armor hung from one of the doors. A large silver sword leaned against the bottom of it.

"Is the war over? Can we have a cease-fire now?" he breathed behind her.

She turned her head because their bodies were already so close to each other's and kissed him passionately. After a second, she pulled away and said,"You should've told me you had a son."

"I know." His breath was rough. Their foreheads rested against each other. "I was going to tell you."

"Then why didn't you?" She straightened.

"I wanted to make sure I loved you. And I wanted you to know I did. That makes the most sense, doesn't it?"

"It does."

He leaned his forehead back up against hers and breathed her in.

"The big things get told up front." She said.

He repeated the vow. "The big things get told up front."They enjoyed silence for a couple of heart beats.

"I'm sorry I left. Does your family hate me?"

He smiled and she could hear small amusement in his voice. "My family loves you. My mother asked about you this morning." He started to unbutton her blouse.

"And what did she say?" She looked down at his fingers and her heart started to race.

"She told me to tell you the truth." He slipped the shirt off of her shoulders.

"That's all I wanted from you." His lips were at her neck, he kissed her skin. Her eyes closed at the touch. His facial hair didn't feel rough at moment but caressed her collar bone. It made her tingle.

After a second or two more, his mouth came up to hers. "I love you and I promise to be honest with you everyday, especially about the big things." She bite her lip and he kissed her softly.

His hands went to her waist. Her hands took hold of his shoulders and she made the kiss deeper. She thrust her tongue inside and his hands traveled up. Eventually, one hand landed in her hair, taking hold at the back of her head; one hand on her face.

He pulled his tongue out of her mouth and lifted his shirt above his head. She watched him with bated breath. She touched his stomach muscles and then leaned in to kiss them each in turn. She slipped her hands lower, off of his shoulders and down his arms. They rested on the button of his pants. She gave him one last kiss on the lips and then lowered herself onto her knees.

She had been pinned to two beds and a fence post while we pleasured her. His back was the one now against a barrier. When she had unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and had pushed them down to the floor she stuck her fingers in her mouth. Once wet, she took his hard, erect penis and glided it into her mouth with her hand. Still holding on to him, she moved her hand from left to right around the base. Her mouth completely covered the tip. She sucked. She moved her head farther and took more of him in. She heard him groan loudly.

As she increased her tongue's vigor, his hand found her hair again. She felt him press her head slightly closer, she moved her tongue to the side of him and licked, starting at the bottom and moving upward. When Cecelia reached the top she paused to give the tip some suction. Then she worked her way down the other side. "God dammit Lia" His breath was deep and labored. 

She could feel herself becoming more aroused but wanted to finish him off. She took him inside of her mouth once more, he touched the back of her throat and she used what little room there was left to the best of her ability. Her head bobbed back...and forth. Slowly then faster. His grunts were becoming constant and she could tell it was a matter of moments. She kept going. When she finally tasted his warm and salty semen, she pushed him in one more time, as far as he could go. Then gently, started to pull back. She removed her mouth and licked the side of him. Her final act was three sweet kisses. Then she put her hands on his hips and pulled herself up.

He took her mouth with his own and hoisted her up so her legs wrapped around his body. He carried her into the next room.

"I saw Chris yesterday." They were laying in bed, her fingers playing with his.

"My brother?"

"No. Captain America." She kissed his fingers.

"Where did you see him?"

"Sophie and I went to a club last night. He saved me from this guy who was hitting on me."

"What were you doing at a club?" He laughed, knowing that must not have been her idea.

"i don't know. i thought going would make me momentarily forget the argument." She turned her head upward and kissed him.

"What did Chris say?"

"He said we breathe better together." A short pause while both of them realized the weight of the words.

"I knew he was smarter than he looked." They grinned at each other.

" Do you want to walk around the set a little?"

"Can we? You can also tell me what that black leather suit is for." She gave him a devilish look.

They got up and got dressed. Cecelia brushed her hair. "Do you still have the red dress?" Henry brushed the back of her neck with his fingers.

"It's hanging in my closet." She turned around and kissed him softly.

He opened the door to the trailer for her and she walked down the stairs. They turned left and he showed her the set pieces he could.

"We're shooting here for now but eventually we will take it to New Zealand to shoot the rest."

"What are you shooting for?"

"The series that the party was centered around got picked up for a second season."

"That's wonderful Henry!" She kissed him.

"We usually shoot on location for three, maybe four months." He looked at her speculatively.

She took his hand. "We'll make it work." They walked a little farther. "Hey! Sophie has an art show coming up, be my date?"

"When is it?"

"Next week." She paused. "See, I know how to give notice."

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