Day Two

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The last day before Sophie was to start her job felt hectic already. It was only 9 A.M. and she had been on the computer for two hours already with work related emails, documents, and a zoom meeting. The good news was she was feeling more secure than ever in her abilities. The bad news was that being a tourist had felt good yesterday and she only had one day left.

This morning she would stop to get breakfast at the bakery next to the hotel. If the food was good, she was hoping it might become a regular routine stop before work. After putting a pale yellow sundress, complete with a pattern of sunflowers and wedge sandals on and grabbing her travel book off the dining room table she started her second full day in London.

"This is even cuter than I remembered." Cecelia said to herself standing outside of Bread Ahead. As soon as she opened the door, the delicious scent of fresh baked goods invaded her nose. The black chalkboard full of the day's specials loomed high above her.

" If you can't decide, the Eccles cake is very good or might I suggest the roly-poly."

Cecelia turned her head to see a familiar pair of eyes staring back. He smiled.


"Fancy meeting you here. Are you stalking me?"

"If anyone's stalking anyone, it's you stalking me."

"I'd prefer this be viewed as fate. How have you been liking London? Anything of note happen since I last saw you?" He took a sip of the drink he was holding.

"I made a friend. Saw Buckingham Palace yesterday. Today I think I'll head up to Notting Hill and go to the market there." Se turned back to the chalkboard.

"Would it be too forward to ask you if you wanted company?"

Cici thought a moment before responding. "No. In fact, I'd like some. You have another day off work?"

"I do. It seems so do you."

"Are you ready to order, love?" the woman behind the counter asked.

"Yes, I think I'll have a strawberry scone and a coffee with cream and sugar."

"That'll be £3".

"I start work tomorrow."


"The British Museum. I'm the new curator."

"Wow. Is that what you did in Boston?"

"Yes. And what do you do? Are you a dentist, Henry?" She liked how his name reverberated in her ears after she said it.

"A dentist? Why would you ask if I was a dentist?"

"Because your teeth are so white and so straight. When we met yesterday, that was one of my first thoughts."

He gave a deep laugh. She liked hearing it. "I'm an actor actually."

She was about to take a sip of her coffee but looked up instead. He certainly had the looks for that profession. "What have you be in?" She took a sip, expecting him to list off local theatrical performances or some Broadway roles.

"Movies mostly. Both American and British."

"Anything I would have seen?"

"Do you like superheroes?" He gave her a smirk.

"Don't tell me... Batman!" She was only half serious.


"Catwoman?" She was being completely ridiculous now.

"No, I envy her outfit though".

"Last guess, Aquaman?"

"Close, we're both devilishly handsome. Superman actually."

All of a sudden Cecelia's face became serious and she realized he wasn't joking. She has seen him in it. How could she not have remembered.

"You're serious. So if I had kryptonite in my pocket right now, would you go down for the count?"

"Kryptonite no, but if you were to share that strawberry scone with me I might."

She looked down at the food in her hand. "Oh, you're allergic. Sorry." She quickly took one last bite and put it down.

"Not a problem, as long as we don't kiss for the next hour."

An hour never seemed like such a long time to Cecelia before.

"Should we sit?" Henry pulled out a chair for her.

"So what kinds of things does a museum curator do for fun? Any interests outside of the art world?"

"I like movies", she grinned. "I also like to read and go horse back riding."

"Are you an equestrian?"

"I used to be. I ride for fun now. There's a small horse stable where I lived in Boston, I would go out every weekend. It's a good remedy for when you need to think about things."

"I also ride. We should ride together sometime. What are you doing next weekend?"

"This date's not even finished and you know they'll be a second?"

"I have a feeling." Noticing neither had anymore food or coffee he asked if she was ready to go. "I have transportation we could take if you'd like to ride my...motorcycle."

Cecelia had never been on a motorcycle. She was, or so she thought, totally against them. They seemed dangerous but now, maybe dangerous was what she wanted to be. She nodded her head. Henry waved goodbye to the woman and man behind the counter as they walked out the doors. Parked right in front was a sleek, black Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage Classic. He passed Cecelia a helmet. She let out a deep breath. After he sat down, she climbed on behind him. Cici wrapped her arms around his large chest and interlaced her fingers. She squeezed her legs tightly to the bike.

"You ready?"

"Mm-hmm." She couldn't risk talking or she might be sick with nerves. Closing her eyes and squeezing him a little tighter, they peeled off towards Notting Hill.


When they arrived at Portobello Road Market, Cecelia was still hanging on to Henry's leather jacket. He let her until she realized they had stopped moving for longer than a traffic light length of time.

"That was great."

"Liar. Did you even open your eyes?"

"Once or twice." She handed him back the helmet she'd been wearing and lifted her leg over the bike.

"Next time, we'll take it out to the countryside. It's a beautiful ride."

"So, where would you like to start. There's antiques down that way." Henry gestured to the left. "Fruits and vegetables straight ahead, and the flea market section is over there." He gestured to the right.

"Fruits and vegetables. I'm desperately in need."

"Your wish is my command." He offered her his arm which she happily took.


(walking down the street)

"So you start work tomorrow? Maybe we could have lunch if you're free."

"Wanting to see me twice in two days. Sounds like you're infatuated, Henry."

Henry took her hand. They both leaned in.

"Strawberries." They were inches from each other when he said this.

"Is that our new safe word?"

"It's the scone you ate that I'm allergic to."

Cecelia slapped her hand over her mouth. Henry chuckled. "I did warn you."

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