Day Thirty Seven

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"Are you almost ready?" Henry called to Cecelia from the bedroom. She was in the bathroom putting on makeup.

"Almost!" She yelled through the door.

"Mom said that someone had a special announcement to make tonight. What do you think it'll be?"

Cecelia opened the door. "So who do you think is pregnant?" She came over and sat next to him on the bed and started to put on her booties.

"Beth." Henry said certainly.

"My money's on Rosie."

"No, Chris and Beth have been married two years longer"

"That doesn't matter. You had Liam and you weren't even married."

"True. You want to bet?"

"We're beefing on family now?" She looked impressed. "I'm in."

"What do I get when I win?" He grabbed her around the waist and tickled her. She started laughing and tried but squirm away but he held her firm.

"What do you want?" She could barely breathe.

"A romantic dinner out." He her go. "What do you want if you win?"

"Can I think about it?" She looked quizzically amused.

"Sure. You're not going to win though." He kissed her and got up. He held out his hand for her.

"We'll see." She took his hand. Henry picked up Kel's leash and Cecelia took Liam's hand and they all left the flat. Everyone's bags were already in the car.

Downstairs, Henry opened the backseat, Kel hopped in first and Liam climbed into his booster seat. Henry strapped him in. Cecelia was already in the passenger seat. "Liam, would you like a snack?" She turned around. He nodded his head and she handed him an open string cheese.

Kel sniffed the cheese hopefully. "Don't worry Kel, I have a treat for you too." She teach back again and fed him a dog biscuit.

"Ready?" Henry has slid in and buckled his seat belt.

"Ready!" Liam and Cecelia both responded.


The drive to the country was breathtaking the first time she had gone but it felt even more so now. She felt excited instead of nervous. The rolling green hills and the large oak trees dominating the landscape was a sharp contrast to busy London. The air out here felt fresh and clean. Although she didn't feel like she needed it, there was space to breathe.

They got out of the car and Henry was unbuckling Liam when Maggie and Clark came outside. Maggie went to the passenger side and gave Cecelia a huge hug. She rocked her back and forth. "How are you my darling girl!" She hadn't let go yet.

"I'm so good, Maggie. How are you?"

Maggie finally let her go. "I'm good. I'm so glad you're here. You know we all have Henry hell for not telling you."

"Thank you. I'm happy to be here too."

Maggie winked at her and ran around the car to the other side and scooped Liam up. Clark came over to Cecelia. "Welcome back, Lia." He hugged her.

"Great to be back. What have you been up to?"

"I've been writing." He proclaimed proudly.

"What about?" She was genuinely interested.

"Working on a biography of this fifteenth century explorer."

"Wow! Well when you finish it, I'll gladly read it." He smiled and she smiled back.

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