Chapter 1: MCC

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A/N: Here's a quick key for those who may have not read an x reader before or are unfamiliar with these abbreviations;
Y/N=Your Name
Y/U/N=Your Username
F/C=Favorite Color
E/C=Eye Color
H/C=Hair Color
H/L=Hair Length
A/N=Author's Note
(Not all of these are used in this chapter but this is for future reference)

~3rd Person POV~

Y/N was setting up for her 1k followers special, gently tucking a strand of her h/l h/c hair behind her ear as she logged into Minecraft and joined the MCC server, joining the discord call with her team. She didn't really know them very well since she was kinda thrown in their team because they were down a player. Her team, the Aqua Axolotls, consisted of Wilbursoot, TommyInnit, Tubbo, and herself, Y/U/N.
She muted and deafened herself as she started her stream and waited for people to join before doing her intro with her Minecraft skin, since she hasn't done a face reveal yet. She interacted with her chat a bit before exploring the lobby, waving to some of her favorite youtubers and noticing some people she didn't really know, recognizing a few names, though couldn't place where from. She spotted a lime skin bouncing around and went to go say hi, doing the friendly crouch and punch action as she noticed his gamertag. 'Dream.' She read in her head, recognizing it from somewhere, though she couldn't place exactly where. Dream waved back to her before joining his team. Y/N went back to her discord call just in time to hear Tommy and Wilbur bickering about Tommy being a child.
"Alright alright you two, cut it out and let's talk game plan." Y/N's voice rang out over the call and the others agreed, devising strategies for the different games and running to the bridge as the countdown started.











"TO THE ELEVATOR!!" Tommy screeched as the bridge lowered and Y/N followed everyone there, managing to break it and go a little ways into the lower area before everyone was teleported to their respective voting chambers. The options coming up as everyone discussed which game to choose.
"Let's get Hole in the Wall out of the way first." Tubbo suggested and everyone in the group agreed, waiting till last minute to throw their eggs in.
Hole in the wall ended up winning the majority vote and everyone was sucked up into the pipes and teleported to the arena.


As I waited for the game to start, I read through the description and rules of the game, as well as listened to the tips and tricks my teammates gave me.
When the game started we called out the colors to eachother and were doing pretty well, Wilbur and I being final survivors in the first round. We went through the rest of the rounds pretty well, coming as last survivors in some, and placing well in the ones we didn't, bringing us to 3rd place overall. 'Not bad.' I thought to myself as I looked at the score board before exploring the lobby a bit between games, chatting with a few people in the chat and such.

~Time Skip brought to you by a lazy author~

We played through the other chosen mini games, winning a few, and placing well in the others. The final game before Dodge Bolt was Battle Box, one we were quite confident in.
"Alright, Y/U/N, you take center while the rest of us hold off the other team." Wilbur said with a confident tone of voice and the rest of us agreed with his plan, taking our respective roles as the game started, readying to carry out our plan.

~Srry, another Time Skip pwq~

So far we had won the majority of the rounds of Battle Box, only losing around 2 or 3 to really good PvPers or teams who rushed the middle/got there before we did, leaving us against the final team and the current top team, the Lime Llamas.
We picked our roles and readied to carry out our plan as I briefly locked eyes with Dream, darting straight for the center as he went right and my team went in both directions, holding them off from the middle.
I started quickly replacing the blocks when Dream landed a few crits on me, I managed to knock him off the bridge though and finished replacing the blocks, crying out in victory with my team as we won, bringing our team up to 1st and qualifying for Dodge Bolt against the Lime Llamas.

~Time skip, again.. ^^'~

We stood facing the Lime Llamas in the Dodge Bolt Arena, bows in hand and waiting for the arrows. Tommy and Wilbur got arrows first and fired at the opposing team, managing to hit Sapnap and miss the other target. We started jumping around as Dream's team got the arrows, George and Dream each having one. George managed to hit Tommy, who yelled when hit, and Dream just barely missed Wilbur.
Wilbur and Tubbo took the arrows and fired across the arena at their own timings, missing both. Dream and George got arrows again and fired towards us. George missed his shot that was aimed at me, but Dream managed to hit Tubbo.
It was our turn again and I took a deep breath as I took my arrow and carefully aimed it across the field, following Dream's bouncing figure. I took another deep breath and released it as I let my arrow fly, managing to miss Dream but hit George, who was right behind him.
Wilbur hit BadBoyHalo with his arrow, leaving Dream as the last one on the other side. He took the arrows and carefully aimed them at us as we bounced around, he missed his first shot, but managed to hit Wilbur with the second, leaving it to be just me and him, both my chat and the in-game chat were going wild as I took my arrows and carefully aimed each shot, missing the first, but hitting my mark on the second with a victorious cry.
We went through the final two rounds of Dodge Bolt, Dream's team winning the second, and us managing to get the win on the third as I hit both Sapnap and Dream, who had been the final two while I was last on my team.
I breathed again as I looked at the winning message on my screen, shocked. I couldn't believe it..

I had won my very first Minecraft Championship...

(A/n: Thank you everyone for reading! I hope you enjoyed this first, and incredibly long chapter, and I'll catch you in the next one! If you enjoy the story dont forget to vote on the chapters to show your support! It's free, and you can always take it back. Also don't mind my most likely going to be uneven upload schedule, school is a bitch ^^')

The Speedrunner and the Builder {A Dream x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now