Chapter 9: Destressing

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~Your POV~

You woke up with pretty sore eyes, a damp pillow, and Skipper curled up beside you on your bed, your phone was laying on the ed, and you opened it as you attempted to rub some of the soreness from your eyes from crying the night before. You saw some messages from Clay, saying good morning and asking how you were as well as more of the hate notifications from Twitter. You opened up Clay's messages and started responding.


Morning, I just woke up, I'm doing alright.

You then closed your phone and started getting ready for the day, checking your phone again as you sat at your desk to set up a stream. If I just ignore the haters they'll go away eventually. You thought to yourself as you noticed another message from Clay.


That's good, wanna MC?


I'm setting up to stream on my modded world if you want to join, I'll be doing more building. ^^


Alright, be on in a min <3

You smiled at the message and set your phone on your charger and finished setting upstream as Clay started a call with you.

"Hello, love~" Clay purred in his usual flirtatious tone he always greeted you with when starting calls.

"Good morning Clay." You replied with a slight smile, keeping your camera off because you still didn't look the best from your bout of tears last night. This was something you dint normally do unless you were changing, which wasn't common especially this early in calls and Clay picked up on this.

"Hey, you alright? You don't normally keep your camera off at the start of our calls." Clay asked softly, clearly concerned about you.

"Oh, sorry I don't look the best right now, I'm ok." You replied a bit sheepishly, hating to lie to him like this but not wanting to burden him with your problems.

"Honey, you always look beautiful, will you please turn on your camera?"

"Ok.." You replied a bit hesitantly before turning on your camera and looking up at Clay's freckled face. He immediately noticed and clicked that you had been crying recently.

"Y/N, what happened? Why were you crying?" He asked softly, clearly worried.

You were a bit quiet for a second before answering, "Have you seen the tag going around..?" You asked quietly

"The one about canceling you? I have, and I already did what I could to try to stop it, but if it bothers you this much I'll confront my crazy fangirls again. Don't listen to what they say, you are beautiful, smart, creative, funny, and I love everything about you. You are everything to me and I wouldn't trade you for any of the girls spreading that bullshit tag around."

You looked back p at him and smiled lightly, "Thank you, Clay I honestly don't know if I can actually do my stream or build as I had planned." you said a bit sheepishly as you turned off your setup.

"Do you want me to come over? Have a day to cuddle, destress and watch movies on the couch?" he asked softly

"I'd love that, thank you." You replied with a soft smile, opening your Twitter and notifying your fans about the lack of stream today, apologizing for it, and explaining you needed to do some things today and would have content back up as soon as possible.

~3rd Person POV~

Clay closed down his computer and notified his Twitter about the lack of content for the day, confronting the #CancelY/U/N issue again with a video over some old footage before getting ready and driving down to Y/N's. She opened the door and let him in, sitting on the couch as he followed, sitting beside her and holding her close. The two watched movies for a while, ignoring their phones as Y/N relaxed with Clay, crying now and again when thinking back to the comments, but he comforted her every time, holding her close and rubbing her back, reassuring her how special she was to him and how much he loved her.

They continued watching movies, eating ice cream and other junk food you'd have with movies, cuddling, and just enjoying the time together with and bonding over the emotional atmosphere. As nightfall grew nearer and y/N started feeling better, Clay looked down at her, holding her closer. Currently, they were watching a romance and it was approaching a kiss scene. Clay gently lifted her gaze to meet his.

~Your POV~

You looked into Clay's eyes as he lifted your gaze to his, tilting your head slightly. Clay smiled and you returned it, closing your eyes as you did. Before long you felt something on your lips and opened your eyes, finding Clay kissing you. You were surprised but kissed him back as you cuddled up closer to him, closing your eyes again.

~Clay's POV~

I can't believe I am kissing her! I thought to myself as she surprisingly kissed me back and I pulled her closer, deepening the kiss. All too soon the kiss was over as she pulled away and looked away, blushing. I gently cupped her cheek and turned her gaze back to mine, kissing her forehead. "I love you," I said with a smile

"I love you too," she replied softly, smiling a warm smile and cuddling into me. I chucked and gently layed down o the couch with her in my arms as we turned our attention back to the movie.

~3rd Person POV~

The pair finished watching their movie and Y/N was falling asleep, so Clay gently carried her, bridal style, to bed. He layed down beside her and she cuddled into him as Skipper jumped up and cuddled with the both of them. Clay smiled and kissed Y/N one last little sweet time on the lips before she fell asleep and he slowly drifted off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2022 ⏰

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