Day Two ❤ Part Two

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San Francisco, California
June 25, 2012
Day Two


I was running along the shore of the lake. Justin had taken me to go eat first and then he took us here, to the lake. It was really calming out here, there was sort of a lot of people but it was a good thing that no one recognized Justin. Justin makes me feel like I'm the only girl in the world and that is such a great feeling. He's been wondering about how I'm doing and what I want to do, he just asks questions non stop. I was still running along the shore, Justin and I, we had been playing tag. That might sound childish but I don't care, I mean come on it's Justin Bieber, anyone would want to play tag with him. I had been running for a very long time now, and I hadn't seen Justin anywhere near me. What if some girl recognized him and now there were girls all over him? I had to go back and check up on him. I was walking all around the sand area, looking for any sign of Justin. I couldn't find him anywhere.

Someone put their hands on me from behind and I was praying that it was Justin and not someone else. "Who you looking for, beautiful?" That voice belonged to the one and only Justin, I let out a sigh of relief. I finally found him, well technically he found me but I was the one looking for him so yeah, I hope that made sense.

I realized that I hadn't answered his question yet. "Uhh. I was looking for you." I was kind of nervous because not only was he hugging me by the waist but he rested his chin on my shoulder, he was still behind me. I looked down at him and I admired his beauty, he was beyond perfect in my eyes, I'm sure he was perfect to every girl's eyes but to me, he was what brought happiness to me.

"Whatcha' staring at?" He looked up to face me meanwhile I was still looking at him. "What? I got something on my face or..?" I just started to laugh, softly and I started to shake my head.

"No. Justin, I was just looking at you." I kept on looking at him but then I turned my head towards the water.

"Why?" And he faced me towards his face again.

"I've been wondering how I got so lucky to actually meet you and be here, hanging out with you know.. my passing." I looked into his eyes and I could see, he didn't like what I was saying.

"Addison, don't talk about that, you're going to get better, don't worry." He was really trying to bring my hopes up, but I know I'm not going to survive.

"Justin, thank you for being here. You and your mom are seriously so sweet, I'm so glad I got to meet you before I die." I tried to give him a heart warming smile.

"Don't say that Addison, you're going to get better, I'll take to the doctor and there has to be a cure." He looked worried now.

"Justin, you and me both know that there is no cure for this." I kept smiling even though in the inside I was dying, slowly. Justin just kept on shaking his head, I could tell that he was now upset. "I'm sorry that I got you upset Justin, we should go back home now anyways." I stared at the ground, trying to find interest in my shoes.

We walked back to his car, in silence. I got in first and I just sat there, trying to take everything in. Justin stayed outside for a little while longer and then he got inside, with his phone in hand. He was probably sending a text to his girlfriend, Selena Gomez.

Suddenly, my phone received a text, I took it out and I opened the new text message. It was from Twitter.

@justinbieber: If you just believe, everything can and will go right.

I looked at it and smiled, it was true. If you just believe, great things will come your way. I looked at Justin, he was still upset but I couldn't do anything about it now. He got upset over something that has to happen in like two weeks. I tried to think about something else. My camera. Ugh, I forgot to bring it with me and the lake was so pretty. It was such a light blue and the sun reflected on it so beautifully. I could've captured that moment but I wasn't thinking about my camera this morning, I was just thinking about getting ready for Justin.

When we reached the house, I got out quickly and I ran inside.

"Hey honey, how was it?" My mom and Pattie asked the same question then they both laughed at each other. They seemed like the best of friends.

"Uh, it was great. I'm tired, I'm going to go to my room. Bye." And without another word, I was gone from their sight. I ran to my room and I just laid in my bed. Why did life have to be so complicated?

I went over to my desk and I got my iPod from the little drawer, I got out the headphones too. I was going to block out the world for an hour or so. I pressed play to the song that was already playing the night before. "Fall For You" by, Secondhand Serenade started playing in my ears. I felt so much better, relaxing to the beat of the music.

I wonder if by tomorrow, Justin will still be mad at what I said.

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