Day Seven ❤

518 20 6

San Francisco, California
June 30, 2012
Day Seven


I slowly took the covers off of my body, a sudden breeze hit me, giving me goosebumps. I looked over at the window in my room, I had left it open last night. I stood up and walked on over to the window, I looked outside. My mom and Pattie were outside...planting? It looked like they were planting some roses. My favorite flowers were roses, especially the white ones. They're so beautiful and pure, I just love them when they're white.

I got into the bathroom and I took a quick shower, I did all my necessities and then I changed. I put on my clothes.

I put on my black converse afterward. Today seemed like a hot day, I wonder how it would be tomorrow. Tomorrow would be my birthday, I would be turning 18 years old.

Wow, time can pass by really fast.

I went downstairs to the kitchen and I served myself some cereal. When I was done with my cereal, I put my plate in the sink and then I went back to my room. On my way there, I saw Justin entering the bathroom. I got in my room and I locked the door. I grabbed my iPod and I played "Hurt" by, Christina Aguilera. I love this song. I started to sing along to it when I hear a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I yelled through the room, hoping he would hear me.

"It's me, Justin." I turned the volume down and I walked to the door. I saw Justin there with a smile, I smiled back at him. I leaned against the door frame.


"Well, I wanted to know if you wanted to do something today." I didn't feel like going out today, I didn't know why though.

"How about we watch a movie, here in the house?" I suggested.

"Of course. Whatever you want is fine with me." He gave me a big smile. "Where are the movies?"

I pointed behind me, where there was a shelf on the wall that was filled with movies. "They're right over there, pick whichever you want. I'll get the blanket and pillows downstairs."




"That is not fair." She cried out once more. "Why did you choose this movie, Justin?" She grabbed a tissue out of the tissue box, and then she brought it to her nose.

"You said this was one of your favorites and this is one of my favorites too, so I thought it was the best one." I thought back to when she told me that she loved this story. She said it was a true love story.

We were watching, A Walk To Remember.

Addison was on my chest, bawling her eyes out.

"We can watch another movie, if that's what you want." I told her, trying to make her stop crying.

"No!" She breathed. "I love this movie." If she loved it, then why was she complaining?

Minutes later.

I watched as Jamie and Landon got married, then the words on top saying how Jamie had died that summer of their marriage. I was expecting to hear another cry come out of Addison but instead I just felt her lightly breathing on my chest. I looked down and to my surprise, Addison was fast asleep. I laid her down carefully, so she wouldn't wake up. And then when she was nicely laid down, I laid myself down next to her, holding onto her waist from behind.

I stared at her a little until I felt like it was the right time to say the words that I have been dying to tell her. "I love you Addison." And then I drifted into a deep sleep, next to the love of my life.



Ohhh. I just knew he loved her. I have to tell someone. I got my phone out of my purse and I took a picture of them and then I shared the picture on twitter.

@justinbieber @AddisonLylee cutest couple ever. Jaddison ♥



The picture was everywhere, I couldn't take it. My jealousy was taking over. I knocked on the door, waiting for a response.

"I'm coming." I heard someone grumble from inside. They opened the door and the person I saw, was not too happy that I was there. Madison. "What do you want?"

"Where are they?" I pushed her aside.

"Look here, Selenur. This is not your house and you have no right on coming in here like that, especially not by pushing me." Madison pushed me back.

But I didn't listen to a word she said. I walked on ahead, with her yelling after me. I went into the living room where I found them, together, sleeping, just like in the picture.

Justin was holding her real close and she was sleeping peacefully, Justin had a dreamy smile on his face. He must be dreaming something wonderful, to be smiling like that in a dream.

I didn't want to see them anymore, it hurt too much.

I walked back to the door and I turned around to face Madison, once more. "I'll come back later, when they're awake." I felt the tears pang on my eyes. Madison nodded and she looked at me with a concerned expression on her face.

I just walked out the door and to my car. I revved the engine to life and then I drove, to anywhere.



I just laid there, waiting for him to wake up and finally let go of me. I nudged him a little more but I got no response in return. "Justin." I slightly whispered. He didn't budge. "Justin." I said a little louder this time. He wouldn't make a single move. I went up to his ear and gently whispered, so I wouldn't startle him. "Justin, let go of me." I looked to his face now, that was inches away.

He smiled sleepily. "Never."

"You have to let go Justin."

He held onto me even tighter. "I don't want to." I frowned and then he ran a hand through his hair. He was thinking. "I'll let you go if you say that you love me." He smirked, as if thinking that I wouldn't say it.

"I love you Justin." He looked shocked that I had said it. "Now, will you let go?"

He smirked once more. "No." He then rolled over, he was now on top of me.

I tried to push him away but it was just not working. "But you said if I said that I loved you, then you'd let go."

I kept on trying to get me away from him. "If you think that I'll let go of you soon, then you're so wrong." I looked up at his face and I suddenly got lost in his eyes. He looked back at me, he just kept on staring. He looked down at my lips and then back at my eyes. "I really want to kiss you right now." I looked at him, wide-eyed for what he just said.

He was leaning in closer and to my surprise, I was too leaning in. We were now lightly brushing our lips together. This was a feeling like out of a book, a fairy-tale. Justin had closed his eyes and I was doing the same, we were stuck in the moment. We came closer, if that was even possible. Our lips barely pressing each other.

We backed away when we heard a gasp.

We both looked to where the gasp came from. It was Selena.

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