Day Fifteen ❤ Part Two

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San Francisco, California
July 8, 2012
Day Fifteen ♥ Part Two

Two Days Left... ♥


"Justin, I want you to listen to me and listen to me good." I took a deep breath and then I began to speak again. "You are not going to lose me, ever. You see this ring right here?" I pointed to the promise ring that he had gotten for me. Justin nodded his head, slowly. "I promised to you that I would be with you forever and I plan on keeping my promise to you. I will be with you forever, you just wait and see." I gave him a reassuring smile, trying to make him smile as well.

Justin made an attempt of smiling but failed miserably, but that's all I needed. I just wanted him to at least try, and he did. I know Justin will be able to go on without me; he is really strong-hearted. He is capable of starting a whole new love life, I can feel it. Although, I do want Justin to be with someone that I know and trust, like Selena. Selena was with Justin and since I am a Belieber, I would always see pictures of them on the internet and Justin would always seem so happy. Justin was always able to maintain a smile on his face, even through the hardest of times. I know it's going to be hard for him to do so but like I said before, he is capable of doing it.

His voice seemed to bring me back from my little drift of thoughts. "But how are you managing on doing that?" Justin started to wipe his eyes.

"You just wait and see."

"Okay." He wiped the last of his tears and just looked at me. "I'll let you get dressed; we're going out somewhere today." He gave me a smile as he was exiting the room until I wanted to ask a question.

"Wait, Justin." I partly yelled. Justin heard this and he just stuck his head through the door. "Fancy or casual?"

Justin thought about it for a second and then responded with, "Casual."

Hmm... What could be casual for a July morning? I looked throughout my closet and noticed that I had some new shirts that I hadn't had the chance to wear yet. As soon as I picked out an outfit, I took a quick shower; this made me notice that I was losing even more hair at the moment. Once I got out of the shower, I changed into the outfit I had chosen,

I looked in the mirror, to make sure that I looked fine but I wasn't really liking the heels, so instead I put on some gray Toms. After putting on the outfit, I tried to detangle my hair with my brush but it just wasn't working. All I was doing to myself was making more pieces of my hair come out. I stopped trying to comb my hair, and instead of making it look pretty, I put it in a ponytail; like that no one would notice my sudden loss of hair.

As soon as I was finished with everything, I walked out of my room and I went downstairs. Everyone was sitting down in the living room, just talking.

"Hey...everyone." I said very slow and awkwardly.

Everyone greeted me with smiles on their faces and they all stood up to give me a hug. This was something... different and awkward but I guess I understood, tomorrow I would probably be in the hospital all day, in my death bed.

"Are you ready to go now, Addie?" Madison asked me and I just nodded my head. I was surprised; it seemed that everyone was going to wherever Justin was planning on taking me. "Alright then, Justin, let's hit the road." Madison started to walk outside the door with all of us trailing behind her. Justin stayed back while the others passed by him, just so he could walk right next to me. He was so sweet.

There was something different though, now that I thought about it. Why was there so many people standing outside my house with a bunch of cameras held to their faces?

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