Day Seventeen ❤ Part Three

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San Francisco, California
July 10, 2012
Day Seventeen
1 P.M.

Zero Days Left... ♥

Last Day


"We're sorry, Addison, none of us want anything bad to happen to you and it seems like a better idea to be at the hospital, rather than being here at home." My dad said with a sorrowful expression in her eyes.

I looked at all their face expressions; I didn't like to see those faces. "Fine. Fine! Let's go to the hospital where all the doctors are waiting for me." Before they could say anything, I started to head out the door.

I walked in direction of the car until I felt a hand on my shoulder. "We're going in my car, Addison." I heard Justin whisper into my ear, and he started walking us in the direction to his car.

Justin opened the door for me and I stepped inside; chivalry was so not dead for Justin. I thanked him and then he went to his side of the car.

I started to think about the faces that they were all giving me inside the house. All their facial expressions were the same. They were scared. I didn't want them to be scared though, I wanted them to be happy. The only thing they can all think about is how they're all going to lose me, but they don't think about how I'm going to feel losing all of them. They're all scared of what's going to happen next. They seem to not know that everything, all the pain, will be happening to me, not them. My mom and dad are scared of losing their first born daughter, one of their most prized possessions. I know they don't want to lose me but it's something that we can't do anything to change it. It's a miracle that I got to live up all the way to age 18; everyone thought that I would die at age 9. Madison was scared of losing her older sister; the older sister that she looks up to with so much pride in her eyes. I know she loves me very much, but I know she'll be able to move on. She's such a strong girl; she could handle things that I could never be able to handle. Yeah, she'll cry for some days, maybe even weeks, but she'll be okay - I know my sister. She'll be the rock for my mom and dad; she can make them be happy again, I know it. And she'll also be able to make them proud with all the good things that she will accomplish soon. I trust her completely with my parents. Pattie is scared because of the pain her son will probably go through. I know she loves me a second daughter, but she needs to think about her son's happiness first. She also wants to be here for my mom, whom is her best friend. Finally it comes down to Justin, he's scared of losing his girlfriend. He barely got me and he's already going to lose me. That's not something that every guy wants to go through. I know he doesn't want me to leave, but it has never been up to me. It has always been up to God, he chose this path for me and I'm just following it. I can't do anything about this disease, I was born with it and I'm going to die with it.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't realize that Justin had already entered the hospital's parking lot entrance. Once he parked, I was the first one to get out of either of the cars. I wanted to enter the hospital by myself; it would be the last time that I'd be walking into it. The next time that I'd be coming out of it, I'd be dead already.

I was inside of the hospital but I didn't know where I had to go. As soon as I heard footsteps behind me, I asked, "Where are the doctors that are supposedly waiting for me?"

I wasn't really asking someone in specific but my mom answered me, "Fourth floor, hunny."


"I'll be right back, I need to bring you some medication for the pain." Dr. Dorman told me as he was checking up on me one more time. I didn't have any pain going on in my body at the moment, but it would probably surge through at any moment.

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