Day Ten ❤

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San Francisco, California
July 3, 2012
Day Ten

Seven Days Left... ♥

"I'm going to the park!" I yelled to all the people inside of my house.

I waited for 30 seconds before I heard my mom saying something. "Is Justin going with you?" She asked.

"No, I'm going by myself. Bye." I walked out the door and I gently closed it behind me, I didn't want anyone to follow or come with me; I just wanted to be by myself.

I walked off into the hot July day, wearing some shorts, with a white and black shirt, and my bl... I wanted to be alone because I had a lot of things to think about. First of all, Justin and I, we're together. That was a surprise for everyone, except for Madison of course. Madison had been the one to put the picture of us sleeping together on twitter; she had been starting the whole 'Jaddison' thing. If I would've known that it was her, I would've stopped her but now, I kind of thank her. Thanks to her, Justin and I got together. But after I pass away, I want Justin to find the true love of his life, the real woman that will always be there with him and for him. The only person that I can think of to get that spot is, Selena. She deserves it for being so kind and so lovable. I don't want Justin to end up alone for the rest of his life, that's for sure. As a Belieber, I only want the best for Justin, and the best is not me. I don't want Justin to live in just memories, I want him to live life to the fullist, he deserves it. He deserves the whole life he has ahead of him. And I know that I will watch him from up above, if that is where I end up going.

Sometimes I ask myself, what is it that you feel when you're dead. I know that when you're dead, you don't feel anything but that's not what I mean. I mean like, how does it feel to stop breathing, to stop the pain inside, to stop the feelings you feel. To just stop everything. Will I go to Heaven or..? Well, I won't know know..until I go.

This is so hard.

I'm going to have to leave the ones I love the most.

"I'm not going to cry anymore, don't cry anymore Addison. You got to stay strong for them, for you." I kept on repeating this to myself. To think that I only have a little amount of time left to live, it makes me want to...scream. It makes me want to scream at the world.

I just wanted to be truly happy and I finally accomplished it, with Justin. He has made me more than happy. And he has teached me what true love is so far. I think I can now cross of number two off my wishlist.

1. To have one of my pictures become famous, worldwide.

2. To find my true love


3. To meet Justin Bieber

Now I just need to complete number one. How can I make one of my pictures be famous, worldwide? What if I put one on twitter? I had gained thousands of followers because of Justin tweeting about me, and I think I would gain or lose some now because of being with Justin. Hmm... I would have to think of a possible way of making my last final wish come true.

"I love you." I hear from behind my ear, someone was now holding me by my waist from behind. I already knew it was him though.

"Justin, what are you doing here?" I breathed out as I finished saying this.

"I didn't want my beautiful girlfriend to be all alone." He then kissed my cheek, making me slightly blush.

"Mmm. But Justin, you do know that people know you're here and they're going to be following you, and they will see you with me." I explained to him slowly.

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