Day Seventeen ❤ Part One

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San Francisco, California
July 10, 2012
Day Seventeen
9 a.m.

Zero Days Left...

Last Day


I awoke to a deep pounding going on in my head. "Oww!" I groaned. I tried to move around but I couldn't; my legs were tangled up with something or most likely, someone. I sat up and I felt a sudden breeze hitting my chest. I looked down and to my surprise, I was in my bra; I had no shirt on me whatsoever. I got the covers from my bed and I brought it over to cover my chest. Why was I sleeping shirtless? And then all I could think of was what had happened last night?

I was scared to look underneath the cover and see something that I didn't want to see. But because I'm somewhat brave, I was going to take a little peek. I lifted the covers up slowly, so I wouldn't wake Justin up and after I had done that, I was relieved a little. Justin and I both had our under-garments on. A sigh of relief managed to escape my lips, making Justin slightly move in his sleep. I laid my head back down to relax a little when sudden flashbacks started to come to me. I was remembering what had happened last night at the Golden Gate Bridge where Justin gave me my big and must surprising, surprise.



I turned around to face Justin but to my surprise, he wasn't standing behind me anymore. Instead, Justin was on one knee, looking straight at me with a huge smile. As I saw him in this position, I immediately remembered of all those times when Justin had told me that he had a surprise for me and him - for us. As I was coming back to my senses, I heard Justin starting to talk. "Addison, I want to tell you a few things and I would like to ask you a serious question. For now, just listen to me, please." He took a long, deep breath before he continued to speak again. "I will want you forever, Addison. Through the good and the bad and the ugly. I love the way how you leave your hair in its natural, curly state and it falls all over your face, making you seem even more beautiful to me. I love the way that when you smile, it's like you're lightening my whole world; you make it even brighter and better. I love that you don't like to listen to people's commands; you always find your own ways to do things. I just love that you are able to make me the happiest guy on Earth, without even trying. I love you so much, Addison. I'd like for us to grow old together, just be with each other for the rest of our lives. Forever and always, always and forever." He took another deep sigh. "Will you, Addison Lylee Walker, do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Once he finished that sentence, I gasped rather loudly. We were too young. We were not ready. We're supposed to wait. We're supposed to be together for more years and then he supposed to ask me. But then I thought about tomorrow, how it would be my last day here on earth living, breathing on the surface. I really had to stop over-thinking things because afterwards, I always end up making the wrong choice. For now, I'll choose something else that I really want; and I really want to be with Justin, forever.

It seemed like this big surprise that Justin had planned for me, had taken all my words away. I was standing there, in front of him - speechless.

"Please say something Addison. I understand if you don't want to marry me but I wanted to take the risk of asking you now before it's too late." Justin was about to get on his feet before I stopped him by putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Justin..." I croaked - whoa, my voice sounded really bad. "Yes."

"Yes?" Justin asked me in confusion. "Yes?" He asked himself this time, and then you could see as realization hit him by what I had said. "YES!? You do?!" Someone seemed ecstatic.

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