Todoroki vs Shimura

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Hitoshi had wished Tonya good luck before she went out to fight Todoroki and now she walking out onto the battle stage.


As the crowd erupted in cheers once again, Tonya slipped her gloves off and put them in her pocket, silently apologising to Hitoshi as she did. She knew she wouldn't be able to get close to Todoroki and her quirk works well against his ice, and it would be the only way to defeat him if he didn't use his fire.

Her eyes met with the dual eyed boy and she gave him a slight nod in respect but he didn't return the gesture and glared at her. His cold glare sent shivers down her spine and she broke eye contact with him. Her eyes went down to her hands as she felt Todoroki's eyes scan her in almost a judgemental way, at least that's what she thought but the boy was mostly admiring her, trying to figure out why her quirks didn't give her any physical attributes like his did.

She looked back up at the boy the second Mic yelled, "START!" 

Ice began shooting towards her and she put her hand out once the ice got in touching range, the second she touched it the ice began to quickly decay into nothing. She smiled slightly to herself at her quick actions and waited for the boy to send more ice at her. When he did, it came at her faster than she thought and it encased her legs in the ice.

She frowned and placed her hands on the ice, when the ice was gone she jumped out of the way of more ice Todoroki sent at her and decayed that too. The boy kept sending ice at the girl and she would jump out of the way and place her hand on it for it to decay but the more she began to decay things the more her skin began to crack and become itchy on her face and arms. 

That was the only downside to using the quirk too much and Todoroki noticed this, continuing to send ice at her and heating up his left side so his ice from his right side wouldn't give him frostbite. She continued to decay the ice but her decay began to slow down and she started to bleed through the cracks in her skin but she continued to decay the ice until she was bleeding too much out of every crack in her skin.

Ice finally encased her and she couldn't decay the ice, she had become light-headed from the blood loss, the ice didn't do much to keep her from loosing consciousness. The last thing she saw was the look of worry in the dual eyed boy before everything went black.

Light was the first thing Tonya saw when she finally regained consciousness, she blinked several times for her eyes to readjust to the change in lighting and looked around only to realise she was in the temporary infirmary setup for Recovery Girl. She sighed and slowly sat up.  

"Ah good you're awake dearie." A kiss was planted on her cheek before she could recognise that it was Recovery Girl at the side of her bed, "I wouldn't stand just yet dear, you over used that quirk of yours and passed out from blood loss, your blood has returned to the regular amount but I've just healed up all the cracks that were in your skin so you'll feel a little fatigued."

Tonya nodded and looked around the room to see Todoroki and Bakugo sleeping in beds of their own, Bakugo's arms were cuffed down to the sides of his bed, "what happened to them?"

"They had their fight, Todoroki passed out and Bakugo got mad about it so Midnight put him to sleep with her quirk." Came another voice, Tonya looked in the direction of the voice to see Hitoshi standing in the doorway. Recovery Girl had already seen him and left the two to talk

Her heart fluttered at the sight of the boy but she ignored it, "I missed their fight? Damn..."

Hitoshi rolled his eyes and walked over to her bed, "did you forget about the drawbacks of your quirk Tonya?"

sister of a villain • hitoshi shinso [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now