The secret

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Aizawa helped Tonya take her boxes out to his car, he looked at her in curiosity, "you don't have a lot of things, why?" 

She put the last box down and shrugged, "I never felt the need to have a lot of things plus most of the time the other kids would take anything new I got. I don't mind because it's usually something I don't actually need that they take."

He nodded, "Come on then, you can sit up front."

He got into the drivers side of the car and Tonya got into the passengers side. As he started the car and set off Tonya looked at him, "What was the other thing you needed to tell me about?"

"I don't know all of the details so I won't be telling you, you'll find out tomorrow because this not only includes All Might but it also includes Midoriya."

She frowned in confusion, "What? Why does this include Midoriya?"

"You'll understand tomorrow."

She huffed knowing there was no point in trying to get any answers out of him and just deciding to suffer with the curiosity until the next day.

When Tonya walked into the class she realised another table had been added to the class so she just walked over to the table and sat down, she was one of the early birds, the only other people in the class were Todoroki, Bakugo, Iida and a girl with black hair in a ponytail.

Iida noticed her first and got up to speak to her, "Shimura! I'm glad to see you are well. I would like to formally welcome you to class 1-A as class representative."

Tonya looked at him and smiled slightly, "thanks Iida, are you doing okay? I saw the news about your brother yesterday."

Something flashed in his eyes but he kept a slight smile on his face, "of course I'm okay."

She raised an eyebrow, she knew he was lying but she chose to not comment on it, he walked away to greet the other students who started walking into the class room. Tonya just sat in her seat quietly waiting for everyone to be seated and for Aizawa to come into the class.

While Tonya was waiting, she saw Midoriya walk into class, she gave him a small smile and a wave only to hear a scoff come from a certain angry blonde, she turned to him, "is there a problem Bakugo?"

He glared at her and didn't reply, the girl in turn rolled her eyes and turned back to the front of the class.

Everyone had sat in their seats and were just talking about how they had begun getting recognised in public for what happened in the sports festival.

The door to the classroom slid open, "morning," Aizawa walked into the classroom.

"Morning Mr Aizawa," the class spoke in unison.

"Ribbit. Mr Aizawa you don't have bandages anymore, that's good news." The girl with frog like features commented.

"The old lady went a little overboard in her treatment," Tonya smiled to herself at this response, she remembered the day prior where Recovery Girl was in Aizawa's place when she had first arrived and scolded him for moving about so much because he needed to preserve his energy so she could heal him completely. "Anyway, we have a big class today on hero informatics."

The whole class, except for Tonya because she found out about the class plans earlier, gained a look of panic on their faces.

"You need code names. Time to pick your hero identities."

Tonya laughed to herself when the whole class began to cheer at the fact that this time it was a normal class thing and nothing else. But that obviously annoyed Aizawa making him use his quirk, Tonya realised his quirk also makes his hair float which would be quite impractical during battle because it alerts his enemy that he's using his quirk on them which can sometimes be a bad thing.

sister of a villain • hitoshi shinso [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now