Devil au!14

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- Outer and Taylor were making out on her bed, he holds her close to his chest and she wraps her arms around his neck, smiling in the kiss.
She tries to stay awake in the kiss, fighting sleep as much as she can, almost loosing a few times. Outer can see this and pulls away from the kiss, looking at her-

Outer: princess, you need sleep
Taylor: no, no, I can keep going *blushing and flutters her wings*
Outer: are you sure? *smirks and nuzzles her cheek*
Taylor: * tiredly nuzzles back, her eyes droopy, startled awake * hhhmmm, yes. Yes
Outer: nope , it's bed time. You can't even keep your eyes wide * laying her down onto his chest, wrapping his wings around her, cuddling her close*
Taylor: * cuddles close to his chest and falls asleep, purring loudly, snoring softly *
Outer: * smiles softly, purring softly, kissing her forehead, watching her sleep happily *

- sans and fell watch a movie with each other, smiling happily.

Nightmare and cross star play with the kits, smiling and laughing. Nightmare feeling happy and flutters his wings a bit-

Okie dokie my dudes!!! Always send in ideas my peeps! Cross_star_dragons has better crack go follow for better crack. Love you all and stay safe!!!!

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