Empire au!6

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- Nightmare and cross star agreed to the idea for them to go back to nightmares castle. Knowing that it will be a long walk but they don't really care. Nightmare felt his heart sank alittle when he heard cs say she want him to go back. He nods his head and agrees with her.
Cross star doesn't want to lose the dumbass so she give him her necklace.-

Cross star: when ever you ring it I will right there by your side
Nightmare: thank you * he blushes , knowing he will use it right we she tries to leave*
Cross star: welcome dummy
Nightmare: oh shush you
Cross star: never *sticks her tongue out*

- they go and tell blueink first.
After awhile of searching for Taylor, they find her in a room with pn and shattered. Speaking almost clearly and louder than she was. She smiles happily that she can speak. Pn giggles at Taylor's happy face, patting her head.
Shattered is holding onto his prego wife, worried for her and the kits. He nuzzles her neck and rubs her belly, his tentacles ripple.
Nightmare makes a small grunt to get their attention, Taylor turned happily to them, then gets the vision of them going back in chains.
Growling, her fur sticks up, her eyes start to tremble, back away from the three-

Nightmare: Taylor, sweetie, why are you growling? * walking slowly towards her *
Taylor: I not going back * growling, gets to the window, her fur spiked*
Cross star: * trying to help nightmare*
Nightmare: Taylor don't you dare. You get over here now. Is that anyway to act to your father?
Taylor: you are going to lock me away again, cause I'm tttoooo dangerous * tears pears her eyes , a step away from falling*
Blueink: * goes to grab her shirt and ends up shoving her off the window*
Taylor: * gasps, closing her eyes ready for it to hurt, but she lands in a wagon of flour. Getting up and starts to head towards the gate, tears streaming down her face*
Nightmare: * his heart stops , anger takes control * WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! YOU JUST KILLED MY LITTLE GIRL!!! GODDAMMINT!! *he falls to his knees, sobbing, his tentacles become little pools of ooze behind him* g-goddammit *hic*
Cross star: * hugging him close to her chest, rubbing his back*
Pn: * is shocked by all this , kinda mad at all three of them but knows she didn't help at all, little tears form in her eyes, sniffling *
Shattered: honey , don't cry it wasn't your fault, please, don't cry my love * nuzzles her cheek, purring loudly, holding her and the unborn kits close*
Blueink: * feeling bad, whines and folding his ears back*
Pn: * gets a vision, smiling* she's alive
Nightmare: wait, r-r-really?
Pn: she's already out of town and.... heading towards the swaps kingdom.
Shattered: that's no place for that girl. She doesn't know what she's getting into
Cross star: well, it's going to be a longer trip, but I think we can catch up to her when we get their.
Nightmare: * nodding his head and gets packing for the trip, tears still streaming down his face*
Taylor: * gets on a wagon that's heading toward the swap kingdom, she doesn't care where she is going she doesn't want to go back. The vision scaring her, tried of being treated as a monster for her mark. The flour covering her mark.*

- cross star is finding the quickest way to the swap kingdom, Blueink is sharpening his swords , being quieter than usual. Nightmare is getting food and water for the walk their, knowing he kinda fucked up. He gets lost in his memories

Nightmare was walking around the forest when he heard a cry, a man had a knife over a baby. He knocked the man out and picked up the smol bean. It coos and giggles, the little one being around 1 years old. He sees the mark and decides to take her back to his castle~

~ Taylor was sitting on the desk coloring on the map that nightmare was making battle plans on, she smiles and giggles.
Taylor: * points at a drawing of her and nightmare*
Nightmare: * chuckles and pats her head* good job, sweetie

Nightmare took a moment to go cry, he couldn't hand it. He had raised that little bean into a woman. He felt like he let her down and couldn't protect her anymore.

Ds!Dream smiles at his wife, he loved her curves, her smile, the kits she has had for him, and the wonderful scent that came from her.
He walks over to ds! Nightmare and kisses his neck, rubbing his hips, grinding a little-

Ds! Nightmare: * squeaking and blushing darkly* hun, the kits are around~
Ds! Dream: I don't care, your mine and I don't they care * watching the kits continue what their doing, he slide a hand to her covered clit, rubbing, kissing at her neck*
Ds! Nightmare: * gasps and tries not to moan, blushing darkly * baby, we just had two kits~
Ds! Dream: * slams his wife to the wall, ripping what's keeping him from taking what's his, sliding his pants down enough to get his cock free, slamming it into her* well, I want you to have more~ my darling~
Ds! Nightmare: * gasps and moans, blushing darkly,  bucking her hips* oh baby~, take me~
Ds! Dream: that's what I thought~

Cross is being carried by dream everywhere. He feels quite embarrassed, holding onto his shoulders. Dream was prouder that punch to carry his waifu around. -

Cross: dreamy~
Dream: yes my love~
Cross: can you put me down? I can walk you know * blushing brightly, the souls glowing brightly*
Dream: hhmmm, nope. You are carrying my children, and I don't want to use your strength on walking
Cross: but I'm going to get fat
Dream: I'm still carrying you and I get to love more of you * smiles and attacks his neck with kisses*
Cross: * happily squeaking, blushing brightly, smiling happily *

- Outer was heading towards the next kingdom, he was still searching for nightmare and the girl. He went to a small store and get her a little necklace with a small silver cat on it. He smiled and hopes to find her again. His heart flutters at the thought of her. Though he is not to happy to be going to the swap kingdom, he'll make do.-

Okie dokie my guys!!! Hope you like it Cross_star_dragons ! Love you all and stay safe!!!

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