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Ophelia's pov
My jaw dropped as I saw the place we where staying at in London.

"You rented this?" I asked Erich, who was currently putting out bags in the living room. I was holding a sleepy Niko in my hands.

"It's mine." He said and I felt my heart drop.


"It's mine." He said and chuckled, while I took Nikolai upstairs.

"Is there a specific room for your son?" I asked and he put the bags down, going upstairs. He led me to a room, which was disappointingly very minimalistic and simple, which just had a crib.

"No overwhelming decorations for Nikolai?" I asked as I set him down in his crib. This kid slept so much, and when he woke up he was FULL of energy. I felt Erich wrap his hands around my waist, as we left the room.

"I bought it a few days ago, I had no time." He explained and pressed his lips against mine. He kissed for a few seconds, before I slowed pulled away. Erich stared at me, a smile bright on his face.


"You're pretty." He said, shyness and cheekiness evident in his voice. I chuckled, rolling my eyes.

"I have to go meet with a client here, in London. I'll be back in a few hours, so why don't you take a nap and sleep off that jet lag?" He asked and I nodded.

He kissed my forehead, before going down the stairs. I watched closely as he put on his shoes, and grabbing his phone, wallet, and keys.

"Bye baby, I love you." He said and quickly left. I sighed, going down the stairs. I decided to go to the huge living room.

The entire house was surprisingly very white...which shocked me because Erich's place back home had gorgeous black interior which I preferred in my opinion.

I sat down, and grabbed the remote, and realized Erich had Netflix. I squealed as I pressed on it, deciding to finish 365 days.

I was at the part where Laura and Massimo were at his home, and he was explaining how she has 365 days to be fall in love with him.

Before I could press the start button, I decided on making myself something to eat, as I was starving. I got up, and walked to thr kitchen.


The kitchen was enormous, and was gorgeous. I went into one of the drawers, and saw multiple kitchen equipment.

I went into the one above it, and saw a few baking things such as cake and brownie mixes, sprinkles, frosting, etc. I immediately grabbed the fudge brownie mix and grabbed my phone. I looked at the ingredients.

Two eggs, three tablespoons of water, and a half of cup of oil. Simple enough.

I looked around for the ingredients in the kitchen, and after twenty minutes of looking for the vegetable oil, I had them all in front of me. I grabbed a bowl which sat in a lower drawer and put it in front of me.

I put the oven on 375 degrees, and let it become that temperature. I opened the brownie mix, pouring the entire thing into it. I put it in the eggs, water, and vinegar.

Luckily, Erich had an electrical mixer so I put the brownie mix in, and let it mix for 2-3 minutes until it was all together.

I took out a metal pan and put parchment paper on it. I took the brownie mix out of the bowl, pouring it on smoothly. I tapped the sides and slammed it lightly on the table, making sure no bubbles were in it.

I put the liquid mixture into the oven and let it bake for 30 minutes. I put a timer on my phone, and make sure for it tell me to check it every 10 minutes.

I decided to go back to the living room, and went into a huge closet which sat near the entrance and saw a heated blanket sitting in it. I squealed as I grabbed it, turning it on.

I took the brownies out of the oven, smiling happily as they cooked and rose perfectly. I waited patiently for them to cool down, scrolling through my phone. I decided to FaceTime Mikel.

"Hi sweetheart." Mikel said, shoving some food into his mouth. I smiled at him.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Just eating lunch." He said and I checked the time.

"Holy shit It's like 3 pm there, I forgot we have time zones." I said and he nodded, chuckling. I looked at the brownies, which still had steam coming out of them.

"Where' Erich and Niko?"

"Niko is currently snoring like a pig, and Erich went to go meet a client." I said and Mikel chuckled. I planted my phone against the salt and pepper shakers which sat on the island and started to cut up the brownies. I took one, putting it into my mouth.


"Meeting a client..." He muttered and I looked at him confused.


"Sorry, It's just that's usually Erich code for going to fuck some bitch." He said and immediately my eyes went wide. I put my phone, holding it in my hands.


"Yeah." He said and I grabbed a brownie.

"If he's fucking some whore, then I'll fuck one too." I said and Mikel's spat his food out.

"What? Your lesbian?" He asked and I chuckled. I swallowed the brownie.

"I'm bisexual."

"No way."

"Yeah..." I trailed off, and Mikel's smile grew.

"I support you." He said and I laughed.

"Well I would hope so, you're gay yourself." I said and he nodded.

"Are you going to tell Erich?"

"Of course, do you think he'll get mad though?" I asked and Mikel shrugged.

"I don't know, I hope not. He'll probably ask if you want a threesome though." He said and I spat out my brownie.

"God, don't even." I said and Mikel chuckled. I heard someone say something to him, and his cheeks suddenly grew a dark pink color.

"I have to go, babe. See you soon." He said and hung up. I chuckled,as I took out of a plate and put five brownies on it.

Don't judge...It's cheat day!

I took the plate into the living room, sitting down. I covered the warm blanket on me and placed the brownies on my lap. I turned the movie on, putting my phone on the coffee table.

I hope you will all accept Ophelia :'). Hope you all enjoyed, ily all-Julia♥︎

I also wanted to say that if you don't support the LGBTQ+ community then please simply just leave my page, as I will be talking about sex with the same gender+include same gendered smut! Also in general I try to make my page very lgbtq+ friendly and make sure everyone is comfortable here! So if you don't support the lgbtq+ community, then kindly leave. Thank you.

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