Entrance challenge

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        "HEYYY! You two are late, what happened to sticking with the plan?" Said a pink haired woman. ( Did he mean that they were actually dragons just in human form or just call themselves dragons due to their powerful. I mean they look like normal humans especially her, hmm I guess they are just bragging type people.) she thought to herself completely ignoring the woman trying to talk to her. "Bewarned i'm not taking an eye off of her, because captain thunder head decided he wanted to train her. "That's no reason not to trust her ya know." she said giving him a strange look. " Oh thats not the reason i'm not trusting her, she's a normal human, not a dragon, demon, angel or other mythical beast.

        " There's nothing wrong with that, as long as she doesn't cause any problems for the hall and nothing with happen to her." she said having a wicked smile on her face. " WAIT. Your even ok with this, even after what to him?" He questioned getting more frustrated by the second. "Yes." she simply replied. " Of course she still has to pass the entrance fight against Rick." she added. " She's gonna die." Zack smirked. " Come on, if we want to get home before sun down we need to start moving now." Ryan said throwing on his hood. The group traveled fast through the forest and swamps that lead to their previous location, some moved faster hoping to lose the few falling behind.The trees grew thicker, the swamps began to fog. Becoming aware of the environment the dragons started to run, not looking back due to what they know is following them, they jumped into the air. Ryan grabbing Karina's wrist, flew high into the air.

        Screaming she looked to Ryan flying above her " Why are we running?!" She yelled. "Because we were in dragon slayer territory, not the safest place to be with a dragon." Ryan explained.  " What are dragon slayers?" She asked trying to distract herself from her fear of heights. " Dragon slayers are humans that were raised and trained to be like us dragons. Don't worry normal slayers are easy to battle against,  the ones we really have to worry about are the slayers of the lost or forbitten dragons." He said landing with the group starting a camp fire. "What are to fobitten dragons?" she asked. " The forbitten dragons are special types of dragons that should never be allowed to roam free. For example the dragon slayer of force, trained by the force dragon, by far the strongest of all dragons, the dragon of death, dragon of life, and the only other dragon to rival the force dragon, the dragon of mercury fire. Dragons like that are forbitten dragons or to better explain it their dragons that should have been sealed years after they be found." he said sitting down. 

        "So what about the lost dragons?" she asked sitting by the fire. "The lost dragons are just dragons like me, lighting, thunder , shadow, light, and poison. Their normal dragons but their rare to see or meet someone thats been trained by one." He explained. The group fell asleep knowing that night is not the best time to travel to another town through the forest. Being awoken by the sound of an explosion, they raced to find the cause. " I was sure that we lost them."Zack said running forward. " They couldn't have followed us." the woman said. They stopped when a man burning in silver flames flew past them, watching him land they knew by the flame who was there, sadly seeing the crator in the ground they shock their head in disappointment.

        "Must you destroy every thing you fight against?" They asked starring at the silver haired teen. "Uh does it count if it was an accident." He responded. "Must you cause so much trouble for the people everytime you go out i should ask." she asked. " I'm sorry,  i didn't mean to."he said looking to the ground. "Seriously Aiden your one of the strongest at the guild try using your head every once in a while." She said patting him on his head. " Wait his one of the strongest yet he's that sensative, How is that possible?"Karina asked. ' Well you see where most people in the guild has had bad expirences that makes them into who they are, Aiden here just joined a couple of monthes ago. i guess you can say they he's still a kid." She said wrapping her arm around his neck. ( So is he aslo a dragon or is he one of the dragon slayers Ryan mentioned ) Karina thought to herself starring at the team of dragons infront of her.

        Several days passed while the group traveled back to their home town, not including Karina. She was surprized at all the great landmarks, and the townss they passed. Finally arriving at their own guild Karina sat silently next to Ryan trying not to get on anyone's bad side. " Hm, so you took it apon yourself to allow a human inside the guild?" the founder said to Ryan. " my apologies she needed my help." Ryan said not backing down. " Very well, although she will have to fight  Rick. Are you willing to let this happen?" The founder questioned raiseing an eye brow. "Knowing Rick he'll stop when he sees she's about to die, I APROVE OF THIS AGREEMENT!" Ryan shouted. " Then let the preparations begin." The founder said getting out of his chair. Ryan turned away as he knew what was the ultimate outcome. Knowing what was on the line he kept his head high and went to the table where Karina was. Letting a large sigh out Ryan dropped his head on the table. " Ah, Whats the matter?" Karina asked with a look of worried look on her face.

        "There's a way for you to be allowed to join the guild, but the thing is you have to fight against one of the Rick the sound dragon." Ryan said. " How am i suppose to do that? I don't use magic, and i'm definitely not a good fighter." Karina said panicking. " At least you get a full hour to prepare for the fight." Ryan said trying to comfort her.The hour flew by while Karina was buying as many pieces of armor and weapons she could, until the point she needed a wagon to carry it all. " DRAGONS AND THE FEW SLAYERS OF THE GUILD WELCOME TO BATTLE OF ACCEPTENCE. TODAY KATHERINE WILL BE FACING THE SOUND DRAGON RICK TO BE ALLOWED TO JOIN THE GUILD." The mega phone yelled through the halls. Karina stepped into the room ready to instantly put up her shield, when a sudden burst of anger went  through when she saw the dragon a sleep. 

        (sighing) "oh, Dragons it seems as though Rick doesn't believe his opponent is worth fighting. To be honest i'd do the same if was facing against a human,." The mega phone yelled. " Alright now is my time to actually do some damage." Karina said stabbing the light grey dragon under on of its massive scales.  A fearsome roar was heard as the dragon smacked Karina into the wall. " Just stay down there is no futher point in this battle." Rick said trying to convince her to leave. Struggling to stand Karina  charged forth hoping to get another stab on him, a smile creeked across his face as he use the force of the sound blast to knock her back into the wall." You know its been a while since i've killed one of your kind." He said as his scales began spiking up alerting everyone that he's about to strike. " Oh crap, he's aiming to kill." Several people said jumping down to protect her. Her vision blurred from the impact of the wall, all she come make out was the silver and black flames followed white fire and lightning. The final glimse that she saw before passing out was Rick turning into his human form before yielding to the four saviors.

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