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I just got out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my body. I got back from work half an hour ago. Today was a busy day, I've never seen the cafe shop this crowded.

With the towel still covering my body, I lay on the couch with my book. After the shower, I felt like a newborn baby.

Today Leo asked me if I'm free this weekend, I didn't have time to answer back because I was interrupted by a customer. I acted like I didn't hear him. It was awkward, I felt awful..

I like Leo, he's funny, cute, and actually fun to be around. But I don't like going on dates, I hate just the questions that they ask and how awkward it feels.
I could just tell him the truth that I don't like going on dates but I feel like he's not gonna believe that's why I acted like I didn't hear him.
I don't know what's worse...

a knock on my door interrupted my overthinking, I know who's behind the door knocking like a maniac.

" come in, the door is open"

"How many times should I tell you to lock your door" Angry Jess opened the door, she opened the fridge and of course it's empty. She gave me a look.
" and how many times should I tell you to go buy groceries" with her hands on her hips she looks exactly like my grandma.

every time Jess comes here she opens my fridge and acts surprised when she sees it empty. She does that every day.

" wear something then come next door I made some food"

" I'm not hungry" I was actually not hungry, but she never believes me. I drank coffee in the morning and coffee makes me full for a whole day.

Jess just left my apartment door open because she knows that I'm gonna follow her to her apartment.
so I did, I got up from my comfortable couch and went to the next door.

I sat at her round mint green table, Jess's apartment is so cute. It's very colorful and 70s. it's just perfect.
her colorful rugs and her vintage wallpaper.

" eat the chicken soup so then we would have time to get ready" Jess yelled from the other room.

" get ready for what?" I don't what to get ready, I just want to stay in my towel and do nothing.

" for a party bitch" her head peeking from the door, with a smile on her face. no please...

when I finished my soup Jess told me to go to her closet to pick an outfit while she washes the dishes.

her closet is inside her bathroom, I don't know how she owns this many clothes. They don't even fit her closet. They're are everywhere, on the floor, hanging on the wall. The sink is filled with her makeup. It's was a mess.

But Who am I to judge.

"change" Jess unexpectedly tossed a dress in my direction.

Jess started taking off her clothes to change into her outfit. She chose a simple black dress but with weird cutouts. she looks good with everything.

Of course, she does, she's a fucking model. Jess moved to New York to start her modeling career at the age of sixteen. She's really passionate about it. And I know she's gonna be a supermodel one day.
cuz this women is perfect.

I didn't want to wear the dress that Jess picked I wasn't in the mood to wear a dress. I wanted to feel comfortable.
I just picked a white fitted top with denim shorts.

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