[76#] Pokemon Dream [#76]

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Instead of Magical Girls, I dreampt of frickin' Pokemon!

I can't remember everything chronologically, so I'm just gonna say the main points.

- I remembered being in a supermarket and a group of people had this big no wait...
GINORMOUS shopping cart loaded with all kinds of Pokemon plush toys.
I saw an Eevee and proceedee to ruffle its head a bit, and they didn't seem to mind.

-I was in some sort of dark forest encountering some ghost type and some other Pokemon...
Well, only a few...
I only remembered Litwick and Lampent... whose evolution line I ABSOLUTELY love.
I can't remember what exactly happened next, but I was at some place where there's crowds of people sitting at tables, and then saw a rainbow.

- Then I was at some sort of ship where there was a few of legendaries and mythical Pokemon in it. I went in with them, and I saw a scene where someone was listening to a Pokemon Subliminal of some sorts... A subliminal that... didn't really exist.

Yeah... those are the only ones I remember...

It's almost 11 pm right now, and I just had that dream this morning XDDD

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