With Seeing Eyes ✅

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Chapter Eight: With Seeing Eyes


"Kaachan?" Izuku asks confusedly. Katsuki doesn't look over at the green-haired male. His eyes are shit tightly, afraid to open them. Katsuki would much rather have Izuku leave rather than start a conversation.

"The hell do you want, nerd?" Katsuki scowls. Who in there right mind would try to start up a conversation in a restroom? It was weird enough that he was literally in his stall.

"Are you doing okay?" Izuku asks, hoping that Katsuki would open up to him at least a little. Thought of Katsuki hurting himself on purpose makes his gut clench.

Never in a million years did Izuku think Katsuki would do something like that to his body.

"Why the hell are you asking that?" Katsuki hates being asked that. It makes him feel like everyone thinks he's weak or something. He's slightly peeved off that Izuku even asked that.


For some reason Izuku's words sound rather close. Katsuki frowns as he opens up his eyes. They soon go wide when he sees Izuku in the stall with him. There was a towel around his waist but it did nothing to stop the thoughts that fill the blonde's mind.

"What the hell? Get out of my shower, asshole!" Katsuki yells in both embarrassment and out of anger. He takes a step away from Izuku, hoping to put space between them in the small shower.

Katsuki chest and knees face the back of the shower where the actual shower head is at. All he wanted to do now was grab a towel and cover himself up. He also desperately wanted to forget about this whole situation.

"I see that scars, please don't tell me you did that yourself?" Izuku's voice almost comes out as a whisper. If it weren't for the close proximity Katsuki is sure he wouldn't have heard the other male.

Katsuki doesn't answer, he honestly doesn't want to. He doesn't want to admit to something like that out loud.

"Why the fuck would I tell you? It's none of your business," Katsuki is getting defensive. Izuku knows the one thing about him that he wanted no other person to know.

Izuku knew that there was no way that the burns could be caused from training. It just wasn't possible. The only other explanation would be that Katsuki was doing it to himself.

"Will you please stop lying to  me?" Izuku pleas. He can understand why Katsuki doesn't want to talk about this but in the end he needs to.

"Why the hell would I lie to you?" Katsuki hisses, more angry at himself for getting in this situation.

Izuku stares at Katsuki with a frown on his face. "You're lying, just tell me the truth," he says.

"There is no truth, I'm not fucking lying," Katsuki hates that Izuku is being so persistent.

"You are," Izuku says.

"I'm not!" Katsuki shouts.

"Let me see then," Izuku's voice is serious. He doesn't understand why Katsuki is hiding this from him.

"...What?" Katsuki paused.

"You said it's from training so me seeing it wouldn't be a problem, right?" Izuku takes a step forward, closer to Katsuki.

"No, get the fuck way," Katsuki hisses. He did not want Izuku seeing his scars, they were far too personal. Izuku isn't just going to let this go, there's no way.

"Why? You were just acting like it wasn't a big deal," Izuku is much closer than he has been. He's almost too close.

When Izuku carefully rests his hand down on Katsuki's shoulder the blonde flinches and slaps the green-haired males hand off of him. "Don't fucking touch me," he hisses.

"Kaachan, I just want to make sure they aren't infected," Izuku explains. Knowing that Katsuki won't get an infection would but some of his worry at ease.

"They aren't infected," Katsuki didn't even want Izuku to be saying that aloud. He was glad that no one else was in the men's dorm shower room.

"Katsuki," Izuku pauses, trying to find the right words. "You are incredibly strong, best grade in the class, a good friend. I just want to help you, even if that just means cleaning the burns," Izuku whispers, Katsuki instantly looks down at the white tile wet floor. Being complimented never sat well with him.

"Why do you even want to help me?" Katsuki mutters. He had bullied Izuku in middle school, why would he want Katsuki to get better?

"You mean more than anything to me, Kaachan," Izuku smiles. "I don't want to see the person I love in pain."

Katsuki shudders at Izuku's words. "F-fine," he finally agreed to let Izuku check out his thighs. He tries to ignore his loudly beating heart.

"Thank you so much, Kaachan," Izuku says with a grateful look on his face. The green-haired male looks down at Katsuki's thighs, his eyes run over the rough pale skin. With careful hands he runs his fingers over a few healed scars, carful to not touch any new burns.

The position was rather embarrassing. But Izuku wasn't focused on any of that at the moment. He was only focused on Katsuki's burned skin. "This looks wrong," Katsuki with a flushed face. Izuku chuckles but doesn't say anything for a moment.

"Your skin isn't hot or irritated so it isn't infected. Can I properly wrap it and put some burn cream on them?" Izuku asks, smiling at  Katsuki.

"Whatever, nerd."

Both boys get out of the shower and dry off. They both get dressed in casual clothing. Katsuki wore a simple white thin tank top with a pair of large black sweatpants. Izuku wore a black shirt with the words "shirt" written in white, he wore black joggers to go with it.

It was hard to ignore the looks people gave them as they walked hand in hand to Izuku's dorm room.

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