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A/N: Hello I am back with another story. I love writing for both Smytheberry and Samchel. And please no bashing. I find it sad how fans/readers are bashing one another based on couples they ship or enjoy reading. I personally find Sam and Rachel adorable. Some claim that Samchel shouldn't happen because of Finn or Mercedes. That Sam was Finn's best friend, yet people ship Puckleberry and that's ok? Don't misunderstand me I love Finchel but there were times Finn wasn't always the best boyfriend to Rachel. Plus enough time has passed and Rachel deserves a little bit of happiness just like everyone else. Fans are worried that Mercedes will be hurt, but its okay for Rachel to be hurt all the time? Sam also deserves someone who will love him and encourage.him to be who he is. Just my opinions. Anyways, I hope you enjoy my Samchel fic. Happy Reading.

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, characters or song lyrics.

Warning: This is a Samchel fic...No Bashing. Mature material may be.included in this story so please be advised.

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