Chapter 3

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A/N: I am back with another installment of "Day before You." The inspiration for this story came from an old Rascal Flatts song called "Day before you". I thought the song and theme would work for a Samchel story. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee, characters or song lyrics.

song: How do I say by Usher


Sam was surprised to get an invite for dinner from Blaine. Rachel was home? She had disappeared and had been thinking of her a lot these days. The reasons why were still kind of confusing. He had never thought much of her before. He had always thought of Rachel as "off limits" because of Finn. Even now he felt guilty thinking of her. Finn was gone and Rachel had so much going on in her life. Not that Rachel wasn't attractive because quite frankly she was sexy. Back in high school Quinn or Santana would've raised hell. He never really understood why she was bullied as bad as.she did. She never really did anything to anyone. Except maybe the crack house thing and making out with Puck. The whole Jesse St James thing wasn't her fault. If anyone had a right to be upset wouldn't it be Rachel?

Ever since New York, before Mercedes showed up, he had wondered the "What if" scenario. He pursued Mercedes hoping to pick up where they left off in high school. But, if he were honest if they were meant to be wouldn't it had happened already? Anyhow, back to the present. Here he is now inside of Rachel's home and she's home finally.

Sam gave Rachel a hug after she let him in, and they walked to the dining room where Blaine and Rachel's dad, Leroy, were. Rachel home was always warm and inviting.

Leroy: Samuel Evans, so good to see you.

Sam: Thank you, Me. Berry.

Leroy: Please call me Leroy. Your practically family.

Blaine: Me too?

Leroy: Yes Blaine. You boys are like my sons I never had.

Blaine: Yay then Rachel's my favorite sister.

Sam: Yes she's like a sister.

Rachel looked down and felt strange that Sam calling her a "sister" hurt just a bit.

Rachel: Well, I am so glad to see you all and to be home. I never thought I'd say that because i thought New York WAS my home.

Blaine: It's a set back but you're Rachel Berry, you will bounce back. I mean different situation but look at Robert Downey Jr who hit the lowest point of his life and after a long battle he bounced back with Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes. Look at him now. You made mistakes, we all have.

Leroy: Since when have you ever done things the easy way?

Sam: You got to be on Broadway in a dream role at such a young age. How many can say that?

Rachel: I'm just upset because I proved everyone right that I'm a lo-

Sam: Rachel Barbra Berry don't even finish that sentence. You are not and never were a loser. Don't even listen to those other Lima losers.

Blaine: Yes, what he said. Look at me...I centered my whole life around Kurt and thought I'd be with him forever. Look at us now. We're broken up and I got kicked out of NYADA.

Sam: Look at me, I wanted to be a model and ended up coming home.

Leroy: This is a part of growing up. And the future will judge you based on how you bounce back.

Rachel: *Sigh* I don't know what I'd do without you all. Lets just enjoy dinner and maybe watch a movie?

Sam: Avatar?

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