Getting sorted and settled

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A/N: I hope you enjoy this episode!


Y/N's PoV

"Ooh! This is so exciting" I say to Fred and George who are just as excited

"Hey Y/n, Have you seen Ron?" Fred asks

"No, I haven'-" I get cut off

"HEY Y/N! FRED! GEORGE!" someone calls out.

"well, who could that be Fred?" George calls out sarcastically

"I have no idea, George! Maybe it wasn't for us!" Fred giggles

"If we stand still he might not see us! And he'll go away!" George says as they both freeze in their spot

Suddenly, both get slapped on the head by the one and only Severus Snape, 

"Do you two idiots not want to get sorted....?" he says

"Y-Yes we do sir!" George says, faking fear

"thennnn hurry to your seats... Weasleys..." Snape answers as he walks toward the end of the hall.

Both burst out in laughter, I take both their hands, well their wrists, and drag them to the tables. 

We find Ron, with a girl, she looks cute. I should introduce myself. 

I walk over to the girl next to Ron, and I put my hand out for a handshake, "Hi! I'm Y/n, Nice to meet you!"

The girl looks surprised, but stands up and takes my hand and shakes it. "Nice to meet you, my name is Hermione, I hope we can become good friends! Do you like to learn new things?"

"Yesss I love learning new things" I responded

"come sit with me, I'm sure we'll get along" She smiles and sits back down.

I sit next to her.

"look at all this food George!" Fred exclaims

"YEAH, I KNOW!" George says hyped

"I heard that it's the beginning of the semester feast, that comes after the sorting ceremony!" I say

Hermione nods her head, "Yes, that is indeed true."

"AHEM AHEM," Dumbledore clears his throat.

The ceremony begins.

Fred and George get sorted into Gryffindor along with Hermione and Ron.

Now it's my turn.

The sorting hat whispers my traits,

"what house would you most likely want to be in?" it asks

I whisper "I know I'm more of a Hufflepuff but all my friends are in Gryffindor,"

"I know you'll make friends in Hufflepuff, plus it fits your qualities better" the hat replies

"HUFFLEPUFF" The Sorting Hat yells.

I see a girl with brown hair smile at me, the only one not cheering, and sitting down. Although she is clapping. I'll decide to sit with her

Fred whispers "We'll join you shortly"

I nod, and walk to the brown-haired girl, "hello, I am Y/n, I hope we can get along"

The girl smiles, "my name is Nymphadora Tonks, Call me Tonks."

"I like that name, it sounds cool, Tonks" I smile.

she laughs, "I think we'll get along great!"

"Also cool necklace! Where'd you get that?" Tonks asks.

"Oh, I got it from a really cool friend I met at Diagon Alley!" I giggle, "She helped me get my stuff, I was alone and landed in the wrong part."

"Ohh were you Knockturn Alley?" She looks at me with big eyes, amazed.

"I believe so... Not sure though!" I laugh uncomfortably.

I jump from my seat, because of a sudden hand on my shoulder,

"were you in Knockturn Alley? How'd you get there?" Pomona Sprout, our head of the house, asks me.

Suddenly Snape is there, so I jump again, "Can you all stop appearing all of a sudden?! I'm gonna get a heart attack!"

They laugh, not Snape though he never laughs. Pamona returns to her seat after saying welcome to us.

"Yes, the miss was indeed in Knockturn Alley..... but that is a story for later, because the headmaster, Dumbledore, wants to sssspeak with miss Y/n," Snape says, 

"Am I in trouble already??" I ask, confused as heck.

"No, Miss." Snape Sighs, "He wants to speak with you in his office, it's something regarding the ceremony and your name."

"oh okay, when?" I ask snape politely.

"he's headed there right now, so now would be good," Snape says, wanting to get back to his food.

"I'll show 'er 'is office Snape." A low voice suddenly says.

It's Hagrid! Yay!

"Alright... Just make sure she gets back In time for bed..." Snape leaves, happy that he can eat his food. But he isn't smiling. Because it's Snape.

hagrid walks me to Dumbledores office, which is a long way. 

"So, er... Where'd ya get that necklace? It's lookin' quite fancy." Hagrid asks.

"Oh! From a really nice lady! She helped me get my supplies! I named my raven after her!" I reply excitedly.

"Oh, 'yer raven's name is Bella.... right?" he guesses,

"Yes!" I smile at him"you remembered, I feel honored"

"but child, that's what worries me, what did the nice lady look like exactly?" Hagrid asks, clearly worried about something.

"well, she had black hair, some sort of dark-orange-glowing colored eyes, honestly beautiful." I smile again, I can't stop smiling.

hagrid looks more uncomfortable "this might be a small problem..... err....." he says quietly to himself.

"what might be Hagrid?" I want to know now, "She's not bad, is she?"

"Well, errr, it could be a normal necklace. Could I look at the eyes?" He asks,

"sure!" I show him the necklace.

"Ah! it's no problem! the eyes are orange! they're supposed to be green!" he laughs, "It's not a problem at all! I worried for nothing!"

Little did he know, that in the letter, on the back something else was written: 

some people don't like
 me, and they want to take that necklace away, 
use this spell to change the eye color. That way you can keep it! But do make sure that you change it back! Otherwise, we won't match anymore!
Have fun with it~ it holds some little secrets for you to discover

Like a hidden spell, leading somewhere magic
this is the official end, good luck!

"Ah! We're here!" Hagrid says, "stand by the Phoenix,"

"sherbet lemon" He exclaims "get onto the first moving one,

I burst out in laughter, "sorry hagrid I don't have any"

Suddenly the statue of the phoenix in front of me moves, making a stairway, I stand on top of the stairway, as instructed.

"Thanks, Hagrid" I get to say before I get up to dumbledores office.

I knock at the door. 

"come on in." a voice calls out.

I walk into his office.

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