In dormroom

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A/N: I hope you enjoy this episode!
I have so much fun with these.

I leave Dumbledore's office, immediately getting grabbed and pulled to the side, by Snape.

"Miss Lestrange-Weasley?" Snape looks very disappointed and angry, "Why that first one, miss?"

"It sounds french! I love french!" I smile.

"Don't play dumb miss, I know what game you're playing." He says intensely, "And that necklace, did she give that to yo-" 

Snape gets cut off by McGonagall. "SEVERUS. UNHAND THAT STUDENT IMMEDIATELY!" 

Snape sighs "You got out this time, miss. Be careful with what path you take, it may be dangerous to follow a person who is not so sane."

"Severus I won't say it twice!" McGonagall says, angrily. "I'll take the student to their dorm room"

"Fine." snape leaves.

McGonagall turns to me, "What happened, miss? Why did he need to speak to you?"

"well, professor Snape is worried about my last name, since I didn't have one I was allowed to choose one, and I found one that described me in French. But prof. Snape wasn't on board with my name. He thinks I'm playing some dangerous game. I just started my year!" I explained.

"Well miss, I'm sure it's not that bad of a name. But it's late, I'll take you to your common room, where Gabriel, your prefect, will show you the dormitories." McGonagall explained, "but we can talk on our way there because I am curious on why Snape keeps such a close eye on you.

"Yeah, ever since I arrived, he makes sure he can see me at all times," I say uncomfortably.

"Well do you know why he does this? Miss....? and what should I call you for now?" she asked,

"well, my last name was Lestrange-Weasley," I respond, looking around at all the paintings while we walk.

McGonagall stops for a moment, "Why did you choose that name, Miss Weasley?" 

I thought about it for a moment, "as I mentioned earlier, Lestrange sounds cool because it sounds French, and Weasley is because Molly has adopted me! And I was allowed to take her last name for it."

"Molly Weasley adopted you? How come, don't you have parents of your own?" She says as she stops for a moment, and looks at me confused.

"Well, professor,  I actually don't, they died when I was young, and forgot to give me a last name." I look down at the ground, "there was a fire"

"Oh my! I'm sorry miss Weasley, I did not know that that had happened, but how did you receive the letter for Hogwarts?" She asked me

"Well, Hagrid found me and offered to take me in and care for me. He raised me until I got the letter. At the station, I met Molly, who offered to let me join her family. Which I did." I smiled, "I'm honestly very grateful for Hagrid and Molly, I've never felt such love."

I saw McGonagall smile, "Well, that's very nice of her, I bet she treats you as one of her own?"

"Yeah, she does. It's really nice, I finally have a motherly figure in my life." I say laughing, "But what did you want to know about the Snape situation?"

I decided to ask her since she sounded worried.

"Well, why does he keep such a close eye on you? Did something happen when you were buying your school supplies?" She looks at me with an intriguing look, wanting to know the story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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