Dumbledore's office.

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A/N: I hope you enjoy this episode! this one is a bit shorter.


"Good evening, Miss Y/n." Dumbledore starts, "Would you like some tea?"

"Yes, thank you, sir," I answer, "I noticed the password being a sweet, a Sherbet Lemon, I happen to have a few with me. They are my favorite! Would you like some sir?"

"OooOooooh! I never say no to a Sherbet Lemon!" He laughs, "here's your tea, with sweeteners next to it."

"thank you, sir," I hand Dumbledore a few Sherbet Lemons, "don't tell Hagrid, he likes these too! and otherwise I won't have any more!" 

Dumbledore laughs, "Call me Dumbledore, and I won't. But we must get to the meat of the matter"

I nod, sipping my mango flavored tea.

"Your last name! What is it miss Y/n?" He looks curiously.

"Well since my parents have been dead since my seventh, and didn't have a last name either. I was allowed to choose from 2." I explain.

"Oh, 2? From who?" He asks, wanting to know more since this is an irregular occurrence. 

"The first one is Lestrange. it sounds super french. Like, french for the strange." I giggle, "or if you would not find that one acceptable, I could also go with Weasley."

"But Miss, you're not a Weasley right?" Dumbledore looks confused.

"Well, Molly sort of adopted me, and wants to make that official soon, since I don't have a family." I smiled at the thought of someone wanting me.

"well, which one do you truly want?" Dumbledore asks, sighing.

"can't we do both? That we tell molly Weasley is my name. But Lestrange is my secret in between brackets name" I suggest.

"well we could, but how do you want it written down?" He asks, awaiting your answer.

"Lestrange-Weasley" I nod, certain of my choice "like that! heeheehee" 

Dumbledore chuckles, "you're adorable, since you don't know the origin of the name, I'll allow it" 

He pauses for a second, looking at your necklace.

"Where'd you get that? " he asks, "did someone give that to you?"

"no, I saw it in the pet store! Where I bought my Raven!" I replied,

"Raven? What's their name?" He asks loving the idea of another bird.

"Bella!" Oh this day is so good, I say "she's amazing and black-haired, red eyes"

"As long as it has nothing to do with the dark arts it's fine with me" Dumbledore laughs.

"You can now return to your dorm room if you'd like. he suggests, "Welcome to Hogwarts miss Lestrange-Weasley"

I DIDN'T MEAN TO I'M SORRY | Bellatrix LestrangeWhere stories live. Discover now