The Rumble

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The next day, still DJ's POV

It was Saturday and no one had work or school. When I got out of bed my stomach was hurting. I went to the bathroom and I knew it, I started my period.

So I went back to my room, grabbed Darry's XXL black hoodie, sweatpants, fuzzy socks, and left my hair down. Then I went back to the bathroom I charged.

When I was finished, I went to the kitchen, and as soon as Darry saw me handed me a full chocolate cake and fork. As I was walking to the armchair Darry yelled "CODE RED", so everyone could hear him, and they have been warned.

Let's just say when I'm on my period I'm a nightmare or the devil as the gang says, and/or both, the littlest things can make me mad. One time Two-bit and Steve did not know that I started my period and they took a piece of MY cake, and lets just say that they had to get a lot of stitches. Today was not bad, I only hurt Steve, Two-Bit, and Soda today. Minus that it was a good day.

When I woke up, I remembered that tonight when we were going to have a rumble because a couple weeks ago some socs jumped Johnny really bad, and no one, I mean NO ONE hurts MY Johnnycakes.

I got up and dressed for work. Work was a lot better because the rule is before a rumble you can't miss with anybody from both sides until the rumble, if it happens 3 times before the rumble the other side wins until the next rumble. There is at least a rumble 1 or 2 times a month.

When they left for the rumble we were doing flips, ticks, and yelling. Darry told me that this rumble is going to be different because the socs are choosing the rules, all we do know is that it is skins.

When we got to the lot the shard and other gangs were already at the lot. We all shook hands and wanted on the scos. 5 minutes later 5 cars pulled up and full with socs, but then I noticed that there was a girl with them.

Darry, DJ. Said Bob, that means we meet in the middle.

Here's how this rumble is going to happen DJ and Chole, my girl, are the only one that are going to fight tonight. If DJ wins we will pay for your wedding, and when Chole wins you have to invite us to your wedding. Deal or no deal

Deal. I said, with some of my new york account coming out

Okay, the fight will start in five minutes. He said, then we both walked back to our sides of the lot

Are you sure you want to do this? asked Dally

I'm sure, have you forgotten that I am Winston, never backs down from anything, and never make me mad when I'm on my period. I said and we all laughed.

Four minutes later, still DJ POV

Time to fight! yelled Bob

I took off my jacket, handed to Darry, and walked in the middle

Are both sides ready? asked Bob, we both said yes

Okay, 3 2 1 fight

Chole took the first punch. I moved to the side and coughed her hand. I twisted her hand to go behind her back and punished her in the face and then I let her go she punched me in the gut and that is when all hell broke out. We both pulled each other's hair, we punished each other, bit each other, etc.

I finally had enough so when I had a chance I took the rest of my fighting integer and anger, and I kicked her in the gut so hard that she flew backwards to the socs and I won. The socs got Chole and left as I went back to the gangs.

That was amazing!! They are said in their own way.

Thanks. I said, Chole can fight well. My nose is bleeding, I have a light blackeye, I have cuts from her nails, and some borsess. She is the best girl fight I have had in a long time.

Come on, we can celebrate later we need to get you home, can you walk? Asked Darry. I know I could walk home, but I'm lazy AF and tired. So I faked limping, after 2 steps Darry put me on his back, and gave me a piggyback ride home.

When we got home Darry put me on the coach. He went to go get the first aid kit, Dally lifted up my head and sat down and put my head in his lap and played with my hair. Darry comes back with the first aid kit and a damp washcloth.

First he checked if I needed stitches, I had to get them on my lip and my legs. Then he used the washcloth to get the blood off of me, it was mostly Choles blood. After that we just watched a movie, because I had no energy to do anything after that. After a little bit I got tired and fell asleep with my head in Dally's lap.

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