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Ryder Pov

Me and my crew we're talking about it for a while and decided the best person to help us find Chase with Skye

"Hold on dude why her" Zuma asked and speculation

"Because if Chase is already out of the water then it will be easier to find him if we have Skye going overhead" I explained

"Are you ready Skye?" I asked

"I'm ready let's get some whirlwind action up in here," she said with confidence but I could tell something was on her mind

We gave her Chase's pup tag and connected it to her collar, and suddenly a beautiful pink Aura surrounded her body. Next thing we noticed she started to fly all on her own, with a pink whirlwind under her paws

"Look near the beach and see if there's any clue of where Chase could have gone" I called out to her she went on ahead and we followed behind

Skye Pov

*Darn I'm so stupid… I should have held on to chase when I had the chance, and now we have to look for him again* I thought as I used Chase's pup tag to find him

as I was searching I noticed something weird about the whirlwind it was a mixture of both pink and blue and not to mention my goggles suddenly looked more high-tech like a spy's goggles

*Weird it's almost as if my gear and Chase's tag combined in some way*

But before I could even have the chance to figure out what's going on I heard a crash from someplace next thing I noticed is that there's this weird material falling into the water so I went over to investigate

"What in the world happened here," I said as I saw weird markings all over the place where I landed almost I said someone set up camp but then got it torn down by something

"Ryder you need to come over here and check this out something weird went down over here"  I called up to him through it Chase's pup tag

Zuma Pov

*Nope fair Skye gets to where his pup tag. I want my superpowers too so I can see if he was still down there and if there are more mer pups down there, who knows what other things we could have found* I thought to myself as we followed Skye

We saw where Skye had landed and followed her there and right away I had a strange smell lingering through my nose

"Does anyone else smell that it smells like wolves have been here" I call out

"Ci I smell it too do you think Chase might have been captured by wolves" Tracker said panicking

"Well we won't know until we find him for now let's follow that smell and see where it takes us

let's just say things weren't going in well when we found ourselves face to face with a bunch of… wolves

*Oh dear Chase I swear if we ever find you I'm going to kill you for making us go through all this* I thought to myself like the tsundere I am

Ryder Pov

After the pups led me to a Wolf Den I realized that there was no way we could go through that so we were just about to ignore it until I heard a voice call out to me

'if you're looking for your friend I suggest you follow the water and meet its end'

And before I can even question it I saw water rising out of the ocean all on its own

"Okay this time I think we need to give the tag to Zuma you're our water pup maybe you can figure out what's going on"

"On it dude"

Zuma Pov

I put on Chase's tag and just like with Skye, a strange Aura surrounded me, this time it was orange, and suddenly I able to control water like I used to. I used my powers to figure out where that water was coming from only to see a giant white wolf with blue eyes surrounding two small pups

"Are you two okay?" the wolf asked

I had to head back to Ryder to tell him what I found but then as I was walking back my power started acting up

"What's~… going on" my words sounding wobbled as I ran back to the water kept shooting out of my paws uncontrollably

"Zuma what happened," Rubble asked

"I found a white wolf talking to two other wolves and that's where the water started rising from but before I could even get any closer my power started acting up so I had to leave before they could find me"

But before we could search any further from where we were standing we heard sounds coming from all around us in the bushes and the trees and the mountain tops

"Who's there," I asked trying to sound as confident as Chase but in reality I was terrified

And I had every right to be for the ones who came out of hiding were a pack of wolves a lot of them

"Get them boys"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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