Xiao x Painter Y/N( Muse. ♡︎)

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I slowly made my way towards the peculiar sounds of thunder clashing and metals clanging .
Normally whenever there was some sort of commotion ,  it would usually be a normal civilian in danger .
But for the first time , that wasn't the case .

Dead Hilichurls lay down on the dirt like scattered flies . I saw a few alive but i couldn't spot the source of the commotion.

There was a few second of dead silence until i saw a purple spark ignite right before me .
I jumped backwards to get away from it .

It hopped from the road to the buzzing lantern , then blew up as soon as it reached a hilichurl .
Between the smoke , there stood a silhouette.
Quite a weird one , covered in all sorts of geometrical shapes .
I couldn't make out whether it was a creature or a human due to the hazy atmosphere.

The wind blew the smoke out and i was finally able to clearly see the source of the purple spark .
" Oh Archon ! You scared me!"
I wasn't too willing to let anyone know about my identity so i turned around and started going back the way i came from .

" Hey! Would you mind if you help me find my sketchbook ? I think it's somewhere around here ."
I stopped in my tracks and hesitated. They could use an element so they probably would be able to take care of it themselves.

" Aw' cmon !"
I ignored their pleas and kept walking when i felt a tug on my arm .
" My sketchbook is more important to me than my life ! So please help me ! I will do whatever you want!"

I was surprised at how quick they caught up to me .
" Fine ."
Sighing , i shook their hands off .
" Please don't touch me ."

They gave a big satisfied smile and started guiding me towards the dead bodies.
" I think its around here . Must've dropped it during the fight."

Both Xiao and the mysterious human started looking for the sketchbook.

The mysterious human was a skillful artist who was traveling all over Teyvat to find their muse .

" Here ."
The painter stopped searching when Xiao showed them a wet and slimy sketchbook, covered in leaves and dirt .
" Aaaah !"

Xioa dropped the book , startled and blankly stared at the artist who was sobbing as if they'd lost their child .
" Just let me die here ."
They then proceeded to lay down on the ground like a starfish .
" Stand up."
" Thank you for your compensation , please take these paintings as your payment . Goodbye ."
They carelessly tossed their canvas bag to the side of the path way and closed their eyes .

"Why ...?"
Xiao started questioning his existence. Was he born to be an adepti ? or a babysitter ?

He grabbed their hand and started dragging them on the ground.
" Ow hey ."
The painter stared at the adeptus , wide eyed .

" Alright, alright . Im getting up . Please stop dragging me ."
With that,  they stood up and reached out for their big canvas bag .
" Please take this ."

" It's a painting of my homeland . Remember me whenever you look at it ."
And with that last words , the artist dissolved into the night .

Y/N tightly clenched their canvas bag and kept walking towards the dim lights that was seen in the distance. A few wooden houses and a watermill came in to the view .
" This must be Qingce village ."
Y/N folded their crumpled map back into their pocket and knocked on one of the houses .
If they were lucky enough , maybe a kind villager could let them stay the night here .

" Goodbye Granny Ruoxin !"
The chief of the village waved you off as you started following down the road , towards Dilhua Marsh .

Yet another long traveling was ahead of the painter yet they couldn't get the mysterious man out of their head .

Especially his twin pair of amber eyes , burning like fire in the black of night .

" May fate bring us together again ."

(Drifting time) Genshin Impact OneShots♡︎Where stories live. Discover now