The incessant rain makes me so incredibly frustrated - it blows at my shirt and pants. It's making everything stick to me and under the raincoat, it's worse. The plastic's only goal is to paste itself to every exposed inch of my skin. The rocky natural roads slowly form actual cobblestone pavements at some point - I don't remember anymore.
I remember leaving my house at nine. I can't remember how long I've been walking for. My legs are aching and all I want to do is throw myself on the ground and pass out. For a split second, I worry that I might've miscalculated my route.
The train station should've come up a long time ago.
The thought rings slowly through my head and a cold chill makes my eyes go wide.
It's late and my judgement is rapidly clouding up. I want to yell at myself when I can't focus and reenvision the map. After a few minutes, I simply accept my fate - I am lost and I need to get out of this situation now.
I tug on my duffel bag and readjust my satchel as I become more aware of my surroundings and footsteps. The trees are starting to look more ominous and I'm starting to wish I hadn't thought of the possibility that I might be off-track. My lungs start to unconsciously make more room for more air and that makes me start to hyperventilate.
My eyes frantically search the road ahead of me as I lick my lips again, absolutely parched (oh, the bloody irony).
In the distance, I see some lights - just a few.
But a few are more than enough for me right now. It's scary how coincidental it is but I'll take anything I can get. My footsteps hasten and I don't even think of what I can do once I reach the lights, I just need to get to them. In the distance, I swear I hear a howl. I can't tell if it's a wolf, the wind, or just me. But holy crap does it make me want to drop dead and go back to my home.
This was a bloody mistake.
For a few more minutes, everything is fine - at least that's what I'm chanting under my breath. And when the lights are about a mile away, I start brisk walking.
And then a branch cracks behind me.
I want to stop, turn and scream. But I can't. I mustn't.
So I do the next best thing.
Humans are programmed to fight or fly. There is no bloody way I can fight right now.
So I run.
I run so bloody fast the rain pierces my skin and makes me wince in pain. I look up, panting, trying to see how far I am away from the lights.
It feels as if I haven't moved at all.
I want to scream in panic and frustration but I'm not done trying yet. I desperately try to push myself to go faster and I can't tell the difference between my tears and the rain anymore.
I run and I run like there is a monster on my tail - because I most certainly think there is.
I want to drop my bags at some point but I can't afford to. The situation I've been put in makes me want to go crazy - I probably already have (I don't know what hours of walking does to a person).
A crack of lightning tears across the sky and it lights my world up. And everything seems to go ablaze for me. I jump in shock and the fear pumps me to go faster. My heart is pounding and I think my lungs might be too. I try not to worry about if lungs are supposed to pound or not. My head is hung in exhaustion and all I'm seeing is my right foot move in front of my left and repeat.
Just the pebbles and my struggling feet.
And then I am tackled.
It's barely been a mile when I see a shadowy figure slowly but steadily charge towards me. I'm instantly ready to turn back and bolt for my life. It looks like a madman.
It looks like a sign from the bloody universe to abort this mission. A crazed man (if it even was a man) headed straight for me - I'd be insane to not escape now.
It's,,, baggage is swinging wildly at its sides and I can't tell if it's wearing a hoodie or a raincoat. A madman could even just wear both. It's panting and running - racing - towards me. An instinct snaps in me and I start to take slow steps back as it comes within distance. And then I start to take very very very fast steps back and I'm ready to start turning and running when he (it's a male by his silhouette) comes within 10 metres of me.
That's it. It's over. No. No, Jimin, it's not. Stop that. Just- hit him.
The thought barely registers and I see it before feeling it - my arms drop my suitcase and umbrella as I lunge at the man who's now right in front of me. My heart seems to vanish for a few seconds.
He's knocked backwards by the force and the plastic of his raincoat is slick with rain and I almost slide off him as he falls onto the cobblestone.
My back connects with the ground painfully and I scream. The man's hands scramble to cover my mouth. It's wet and warm which just makes it a slimy mess on my lips. I still try to scream as I strain my neck, not wanting to accidentally bash my head into the ground.
"Help!" I shout as fiercely as I can as I try to fight the man off. He's also putting up quite the struggle. I can't see or feel for my baggage but there's no time for that.
"Please! Let me go!" I shout and thrash as the man manages to secure his thighs on either side of my body. He finally pulls himself up above me, one hand gripped tightly around my right wrist, the other still on my mouth.
I growl and try to attack his face. He picks his battles and chooses to pin my hands down. I gasp and choke for air but instead just choke on the rain that's dripping off this man's face (which is absolutely repulsive) and just general freaking rain.
"What're you doing? Please- let me go!" I beg and plead when screaming and trying to intimidate him doesn't do shit. His nails dig into my wrists and I shriek.
"Stop fucking yelling!" he hisses at me as he attempts to tilt his head back to get the hair out of his face without letting go of my wrists. As he does so, the moonlight reflects off his bare neck. I freeze for a second as I register that this is not some old man which makes this just a little less creepy. Only more scary.
He is youthful and he has the grit to fight. Good Lord, save me.
He stares straight into my eyes - I assume he is, I can't quite see because his whole body's blocking any light. But I assume he can see me.
I look right at him and the moonlight makes everything so much clearer. He's stopped thrashing and he's just staring at me. I frown.
He has the palest of skins and his lips are so incredibly red. His whole face is rosy - I assume from the running - and his hair is as brown as mine used to be.
He's still panting.
He's a whole mess.

Run With Me || JJK+PJM
FanfictionBoys from different backgrounds, running from different problems, joined by a shared path. When Jungkook and Jimin run into each other, they realise that they both have a common goal - sort of. Read along and watch an unlikely romance develop betwee...