28. Hogsmeade

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The 8th years had finished breakfast, and were on their way to Hogsmeade.  Just to have one more day off from classes was enough to lift anyone's spirits.  Harry was walking with Neville, while the three Slytherins were in front of them.  Harry was looking intently at Draco's back, and the fact that he was wearing his favorite shirt was stirring something in him, while Neville was talking about some kind of plant.  Seeing that Harry wasn't paying attention, and wanting to give him a push in the right direction, the direction of Draco, he clapped him on the shoulder.

"Harry, I've been meaning to tell you something", he said.

"Sure Nev", said the big Gryffindor, earrings moving when he turned his head.

"You two would look good together you know", he said matter of factly.

Harry stopped walking.  He looked up so fast at Neville, who had a devilish grin on his face, and Harry knew he was fucked.  Harry now knew that they all knew how he felt towards the Slytherin.  He wondered if he should act stupid, or just go with it.  He didn't want to insult his friend's intelligence, and so he went with the latter.  "He says he's angry with me.  He needs to let go of the anger first.  And I respect that, although I'm not completely sure what he's angry about", he said with a pout.

"I do, but it's not my place to tell you.  He will.  In due time", said Neville.  They walked on, not paying attention to how fast it had happened, and before you knew it, they were in Hogsmeade.  Their talking had taken them to Honeydukes.  Harry walked in, not noticing where the others had gone.  Selecting a huge selection of candies, he went to the counter to pay for his purchases.  "Jeez Potter, got a sweet tooth have you?", sniped Draco at him.

Harry smiled and said the candy was for everyone, and winked at him as he left the store.  Draco was left standing there with his mouth open.  The green eyes that he adored, and could get lost in, had just winked at him.  He wanted to feel those eyes on him always, but he was going to make Potter work for it.  He knew it riled him when he used his surname, and that gave Draco a thrill.  And he loved wearing part of him, even if he had taken the shirt.  It was his now.

Leaving the store, Draco saw that everyone was gathered outside with their different purchases.  They agreed to go to The Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer.  But being 8th years, they would probably order something else.  They found an empty booth at the back, and started filing in.  Harry sat in the middle with Draco next to him on the right, and Hermoine on his left.  They all fit in quite comfortably.  Neville and Blaise took their orders and went to the bar counter to collect and pay.

Harry was drinking whiskey.  He wanted to feel the burn in his throat, so that he could ignore the feeling of Draco's warm leg against his.  Not that he didn't welcome it.  No, he just didn't want to pay it much mind right now.  Later yes, but not in front of everyone.  It was driving him crazy, and he thought he would go out of his mind.  He so badly wanted to reach out and touch him, but he knew that was out of the question.  Draco was talking to Pansy, who was sitting next to him on the other side.  They were giggling about something.

Harry turned and saw that Ron and Hermoine were looking at him.  Blushing, he turned his attention to Dean and Seamus.  Who were also looking at him.  Weirdly.  He raised a brow as if to ask what are you all looking at.  Then Dean broke out in a knowing smile, tipped his head to Draco, and raised his brow back at Harry.  It felt as if Harry couldn't breathe.  They were up to something, and he didn't know what it was.  He didn't want to know what it was, but knew it had to come to a head soon.

Needing time to think alone, he asked Hermoine if she could get up so that he could leave.  She could see his discomfort, and felt sorry for him and what he was going through.  She touched his arm and whispered in his ear, "You need to talk to him Harry.  That's all he wants".  Harry nodded, knowing that yes, it had to happen, but not here.  So he gathered all his Gryffindor bravery from deep down, way deep down, and tapped Draco on the shoulder.  When Draco turned, he gasped.

He would probably never get over how gorgeous the blond man was.  "What do you want Potter?", he asked, knowing that Harry was having a hard time, and loving every minute of it.  Taken aback by the abruptness of Draco's voice, he decided that no, he wasn't going to talk to him now.  "I......, please can you get up", he asked in a dry voice.  Draco saw the flicker of hurt in Harry's eyes, and thought that maybe he had been too harsh.  "Oh", was all he said, and started pushing the others out so that Harry could leave.

Harry left the booth, and walked straight to the bar counter.  He took back another order for everyone, that he had paid for, and sat on the edge of the booth, after seeing that everyone had moved and it was vacant.  He sat down with a sigh, and was thinking about how to deal with Draco's anger.  He would handle it when the time came, he thought.  Downing his whiskey in one swig, he sat the glass down on the table, and told the others that he was going out, he'd see them later.  "Where are you going?", demanded Draco.

Harry looked at him and said "Out".

"Out?", mimicked Draco

Not one to lie, he simply said "Yes, out, as in outside".

And he turned and left, leaving Draco feel like a worm.  But not for long, until he turned at looked at everyone else at the table.  He could see that they were all wondering what was going on between him and Harry.  "What?", he asked gesturing with open hands.  "Draco Malfoy, Harry wanted to talk to you, but you were so rude just now", said Hermoine.  He rolled his eyes at her, and said that they were all being over dramatic.  Finishing his drink, he too left the booth and told them that he would catch up to Harry and find out what was wrong.

He found Harry just outside pacing on the grass, waving his hand around, as if he were talking to himself.  Then he just stood and listened.  Yes, he heard muttering.  Harry was muttering to himself.  He could hear only parts of it, like "..demanding prat.." and "..self righteous Slytherin.." oh and his personal favorite, "..that goddamned mouth..".  Draco cleared his throat loudly, alerting Harry to his presence.  When Harry looked at him, he met his gaze, and got lost in them.  That shade of green would never be able to be duplicated, no matter how hard you tried.

"Why so tense Potter", he joked with a smile.  Draco knew he had to tread carefully, after hearing of the horrors that Harry had gone through.  Maybe it was time to stop playing with his feelings.  He wanted him.  And Harry wanted him back.  No more obstacles, so why the hell was he so damn scared.

Harry wanted nothing more than to grab him, pin him down on the grass and snog the living shit out of him.  He smiled at Draco, and very softly said, "It's nothing.  I just wanted some fresh air".  "Fresh air my arse", replied Draco.  "Come back inside, and have a drink with me", he asked somberly.  Harry said that he would be there in a while, he just needed a minute.

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