Chapter 13Call the cavalry

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A/N: sorry for such a long wait, I have been waiting for the green light to upload this one, its a bit shorter, but the next two chapters will be on the last part of the tounoment, there will be one more thing at the bottom

We were given fifteen minutes to gather a team and I have no clue who I should pick.

"Wait, remind me of your quirks again...and your names," Bakugo says.

"Oh come on, we are your classmates," Mina responds with irritation.

"Yeah, how can you be so self-centered?" a guy says from behind Mina.

"Oh just trust me, I think it's just a normal thing for him," I say, receiving a scoff from Bakugo.

I am walking around before someone stops me, I turn around to see Todoroki.

"I thought you were going to beat me,now you're asking me to be on your good? Got a final decision on that declaration of war?"

"The 'declaration' as you call it, still stands, but you helped me with Bakugo, it's the least I can do," he replies

"Well, I accept your offer, so who all do you have in mind for a team?" I ask.

"I have Iida, but I need to find someone else," Todoroki says.

"I think I have someone who would be up to it," I respond. "HEY MOMO," I yell.

"Oh, hey," she responds, a little startled.

"I need you on my team, would you be down?" I ask.

"Of course! Who else is on your team?" she asks.

"Iida, Todoroki and I, and now you."

We head back over to Todoroki who is now joined by Iida

"Hey, Iida," I say with friendliness.

"Greetings, Y/n," he responds in his usual hyper yet respectful voice.

We get in position with Todoroki as the rider, Iida as the front horse, and Momo and I as the two in the back on rollerblades that she made with her quirk.

"OKAY LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED WITH ONE FINAL COUNTDOWN!" Present Mic yells over the loudspeaker.

"THREE, TWO," Midnight starts counting down.

"He's ours," Todoroki says.

"ONE!" Midnight finishes, signaling us to take off.

We all start running at Deku and his team with what seems like tons of teams in front of us.

"WE ARE RUNNING AWAY!" Deku yells.

"I DON'T THINK SO!" one of the other team riders yelled, and almost on cue I could see Deku lowering, before launching into the air and defending against any incoming attacks, landing about thirty feet away. We start heading for other teams, swiping headbands whenever we could, while still on the hunt for Deku's team.

After a while, Present Mic brings up the points.

"WHAT'S THIS?! APART FROM TEAM MIDORYIA, EVERYONE ELSE ISN'T DOING SO HOT...EVEN TEAM BAKUGO IS LOSING!" Mic yells, sending me into a panic and causing me to look up to Todoroki to still see the headbands we had collected around his head and neck. We keep on and, after a few more minutes, find Deku and his team. We have a stare down with Deku's team while waiting for Todoroki's orders.

"Now Iida, forward," Todoroki commands.

"Right," Iida says in response.

"Yaoyorozu, be ready to protect us." Todoroki says

"On it," Momo responds.

"Y/n be ready with a possible way to grab the headband should we veer of course," I'm instructed.

"I got you," I affirm, growing crab legs out of my back and keeping them at the ready.

Todoroki grabbed something that Momo had made turning it to ice as well as trapping the people behind and in front of us.

"I might as well be taking these," Todoroki calls back after taking a few different people's headbands and receiving a bunch of angered screams, but they are cut off by a big wall of ice now surrounding Deku and our team.

"Take care of them," one of Deku's teammates commands a shadow creature, which starts an attack on Todoroki, but is blocked by one of Momo's creations. For a good minute, we are in a standoff with Deku's team with no clue how we would be able to get to Deku's headband.

"Everyone, we have less than sixty seconds. I'm going to do something that is going to make me useless to you, but it's worth it," Iida says.

"What are you going to do?" Todoroki asks.

"Make sure you get that headband, brace yourselves, hold on tight!" Iida says loudly before hitting the hyperdrive and sending us flying forward.

"Get ready to defend..." Deku starts before he is cut off by Todoroki grabbing his headband.

We are now on the other side of the arena and my jaw is hanging open. I look at Momo who is just as surprised.

"Iida, what was that?" Todoroki asks.

"That was terrifying, terrifying blazing speed," I say, joking, still in shock of Iida's insane speed.

"I forced my torque and RPM into overdrive, which gave me explosive power, unfortunately the recoil stalls my engines for a while. It's a secret move I've been saving. No one in the class knew about it," Iida explains.

"That was...I...don't even know. I'm speechless," I say to Momo, to which she nods her head in agreement.

"I told you Midoryia, I would do my best to beat you," Iida says, now directing his focus on Deku.

Deku's team is now running back at us to most likely try and reclaim the ten million point headband. Todoroki starts to use fire from his left side to try and defend against Deku.

"I'm sorry, what?" I question under my breath. "He's got fire and ice as a quirk?"

Deku is able to grab a headband but when he looks at the headband he has a look of shock.

"We mixed the headbands up, there is no way we would leave the prize on top. You underestimate us," Momo says

"Todoroki, you better watch yourself, that was to close," Iida warns.

All of a sudden we are faced with Deku's teammate's shadow creature again, and Bakugo, who has now jumped in on the possibility of ten million points flying at us as the timer is getting closer to zero.

"TIMES UP!!!" Present Mic shouts through the loudspeaker.

"Now let's take a look at who our top four teams are, in first place team Todoroki," Mic starts.

"We ended in first place, but it was too close for comfort," Momo says.

"Yeah, but at least we ended in first and not last, plus we beat hothead explosion boy," I grin.

"In second place, team Bakugo," Mic says, "In third place is tetsu...WAIT TEAM SHINSO...WHEN DID THEY COME BACK FROM THE DEAD!? And in fourth place is team Midoryia." Mic starts again, "These four valued teams will move onto the final round."

Everyone heads out of the arena before the final round of the festival for lunch and just to rest a bit as well.

A/n, Please read this: Ok, so I just want to say thank you guys for everything, I know that in other stories here on Wattpad, but I want to truely thank you guys for the reads and the votes, it truly means a lot, I never saw this fic getting off the ground, so with it being as high as it is read wise, at as of this writing, 1.8 thousand, and 32 votes, it truely means alot, also, Sorry bout this, but if y'all want to keep up to date with any announcements, anytime I go on a break, or if I am issueing any challanges or compitions, like what is going on right now, go back a chapter for details, or find out when I am doing new fics or origional stories, please head over to my account page and follow me, you don't have too, and in all reality, you may just read this then never see me again,but thats ok because at least you enjoyed this fic, I at least thank you for sticking with me through this cringe fest of a writing, love y'all, and talk to you later

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