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(qwertuno and -SANGIEB0T  and ZaneChan505 and SilentReadersMatter and Mycurrentfandom And joycethebooklover and louandmoxy and lonerubyreader)

Alright. I did know that I said that I was putting this on hold, but I need help. I have no motivation but I have two options for myself.

1. Discontinue and get on with my life (or other stories lol). This story would be without a proper conclusion.

2. Write an ending for the next chapter. It may be a bit rushed but this story would be completed and I honestly don't want to seem like a shithead for just abandoning this story. Even if it took a couple of month to write.

Please help. It's up to you guys really if you want an ending to this story or not.

Bye ya'll! See ya later!

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