|Ch. 3| The First Night Is The Worst |Teaser|

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}~Makoto's POV~{

Of course. 

The last person left in the room with me had to be Byakuya. Great. The person who thinks of himself so highly and doesn't speak to anyone unless necessary. 

"Makoto." His cold tone cut through my thoughts as I looked up at him.

Why is he so close to me..?

"I can tell you're afraid of death. You flinch at the mention of it. Why is that?" He walked closer to me, and at this point he was right in front of me.

"..." I just stay quiet. I can't exactly answer that when there's some extremely attractive guy staring me down. 

I didn't expect what happened next. He leaned down and took my chin between his index finger and his thumb then forced me to look at him.

"What did I tell you this morning?"

I looked at him without much of a choice as I tried to remember. 

"To... stop making you feel some way."

"Correct. And you haven't done that."

"I can't really control how you feel.. that's up to you."


He let his hand fall back to his side as he stood straight again. 

"I don't understand this feeling. But you're putting too much trust in me. I could've simply gone back to the kitchen and grabbed a knife, or like Celeste mentioned poisoned those pills I gave you. Why are you trusting me so much Makoto?" He looked down at me as he spoke, but his voice didn't sound as cold. It seemed like he genuinely wanted to know. 

"It just feels.. right. I don't think you're the type to just tell someone everything about a person. You don't even tell people about yourself. My guess is that it has something to do with your past before Hope's Peak."

}~Byakuya's POV~{ (A/N Shush I just like writing in Byakuya's POV. Also sorry if he's really ooc I just need my ship. Once again to the three people who read this can you tell me if I'm rushing it-?)

I just stood there. I knew that if I told him he would just keep it to himself, or give me some type of condolence, but.. I was afraid. I hate to admit it, but I've never told anyone about my past. I don't like the way I became the sole heir, and I don't like how my father treats me. There are plenty of things that I don't like, but I don't have control over that. 

"You don't have to tell me. It's fine if you don't trust me yet, that's something that takes time." Makoto looked up at me with a shy smile as he reached out to take my hand into his own. 

I felt my face heat up as he did so, and I turned my head away, keeping my hand over my face. I don't want to admit it, but.. I enjoyed this. I wanted to stay by Makoto. 

"We should probably go to the dorms, there isn't much time until nighttime."

I nodded and pulled him towards the door. He let go of my hand as I saw him look away. Was he blushing? Oh shit- I forgot he was... great..


I just did what felt right and I.. hugged him. 

"You don't need to apologize.. I don't mind." I muttered to him as he accepted the hug and put his arms around me. 

"Thank you Togami.."

"Byakuya's fine."

I let go of him and walk to my dorm, leaving Makoto alone.


What did I just do? I thought as I collapsed onto my bed. Why did I do that? What's so different about Makoto, and why am I acting like this around him now? The same thing happened earlier... I act so different around Makoto.. Why?


Oh. Now I'm talking to myself again.

Not exactly. But I'm going to warn you about something.

What? What do you mean 'warn'? 

You're going to get a motive.

What do you mean?

To kill people, of course. 

How do you know this? And who exactly are you?

Who I am is unimportant. I'm a way for the author to communicate with you and the readers. The way I know all of this? 

I'm in direct communication with the author.

What the hell do you mean you're in "direct communication with the author"? What author? 

Jeez, this is why I told them I didn't want to get too involved..

Just explain what you mean.

Tomorrow is your first motive. To kill. I can't tell you what it is, the author would kill me. 

So sleep. 

They're excited to write it and are kind of using me as filler.

Fine. I don't know who you are, but I'd rather sleep than talk to you.


Have a nice sleep, and don't get too attached to Makoto.


Wassup! Yeah, it's me again. Just throwing out a teaser because I'm probably not gonna be writing for a bit, and y'all prolly need something to read in this story! No, this isn't technically an update, I guess it's like chapter 2.5? Well, either way, I hop you enjoyed. And I didn't put the word counter because it's not really a chapter and I have too big of an ego to not write at least one thousand words. 

So basically, I'm doing full remote learning. Right? Well,  we use this site called Edgenuity. I hate it, and it's brought my grades down so fucking much. I used to be a straight A student who never had grades below a 98. Now I'm getting B+'s consistently because this program is so difficult. And my teachers are even saying I'm not doing too bad, even compared to the kids who have been doing this since the start of the year. Which is really upsetting. 

Then there's the drama in my friend group. That's more personal so I'm not going to talk about it, but those are basically the reasons I'm not going to be updating consistently for a bit.

Oh yeah, and Christmas is coming up. I'm hoping to get LEDs for my gaming setup! And of course Minecraft and Stardew Valley :) 

Go buy those games

Bye bye! Love you all :)


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