#7. I Forgot To Mention...

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Luv, I forgot to tell you. Even if you are different from the girl of my childhood, you're familiar to my past. I'm not comparing her to you, or hoping for it to be true. You don't have to ask, but your energy is of my original queen piece.

This is still chess, and you started off as the queen, unlike the rest. With that being stated, I need you to put your fears at rest. Be patient. Cause with you in the game my life won't be short lived. I found the missing piece to the puzzle and the picture is a bit clearer. You know I can see kids? Not rushing you, but take it for what it is. I heard you claiming to be the mother for this. Energetic messages with my name and soul on the address. You were worried about clout, or clouds? I only flexed my hand to show you how; how heavy is my name miss? Now it's clear that it wasn't for fame. Come share my name after I'm free of this place and pain.

But I should lighten the mood, or make you laugh again if I could. So peep this, my whole life I've been given a slave name. I'll give you a clue as me being lost of my souls role of being Poseidon. What do you call a merman in shackles? This is the only name I hear when it matters. Well? They call me "Clink-Scales." The irony of this pirates tale. Get it? I hope you do cause I'm dashing for gold rings and I'm switching to tails. We fly higher than the tide, so you'll have to be a Marshan on this ride.

I did say you had some Marshan drip before. Well, I see that was due to you jumping ship before we crash landed. It's time for you to slide back to the captains cabin. No time left for you to act like you're still stranded, cause the time is near to make this happen...

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