Chapter 13

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TamarBraxton: As Long As I Live OUT NOW

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TamarBraxton: As Long As I Live OUT NOW

3,000,000 likes ~ 14,000 comments


"Look at God." My mother comments as she looks down at my engagement ring, "Randall, this is beautiful. Thank you for accepting my daughter as your future wife."

"No, thank you for giving birth to the woman of my dreams." Randy takes my mothers hands in his own. "I know that Tamar and I don't always see eye to eye. There have been times when I have made your daughter cry and I regret that so much. I just want for you to forgive me for all the distress that I have previously caused for your daughter and yourself."

"I forgive you Randall." My mother cups his face and I feel my heart melt at the gesture. "Tamar may not be the easiest person to deal with but I am so glad that she found her match."

I resist the urge to look at my sisters and stick my tongue out. 

I'm glad that my mother approves of Randy because I don't plan on getting of him. What makes me happier is that my sisters are here to listen to our mom gush over my engagement ring and my man.

There have been moments where they have ridiculed me for dating him but as our momma said, look at God.

I can see a few salty faces as our mother serves the food but I pay them no mind as I show Towanda and Toni my ring

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I can see a few salty faces as our mother serves the food but I pay them no mind as I show Towanda and Toni my ring.

Our mother gestures for us to close our eyes and bow our heads which we do.

"I want to give thanks to the heavenly father for finding a good man for our Tamar." My mother starts off and I open my eyes to look at my sisters. "We thank you for giving me another son who has shown me that he loves and accepts our family for who we are."

I ain't going to lie, the actual dinner was shorter than my momma's prayer because she started rambling at some point. By the time we got to the food, we were lining up by the microwave trying to reheat our food.

"Have you guys thought about when you want to get married?" Toni asks as we settle in the living room.

"We only just got engaged." I remind her and Randy places his hand on my thigh.

"I'm hoping that we can do it as early as next year when both of our schedules clear up."


"I want you to spend some time with my daughter." Randy's words surprise the fuck out of me as we drive home. "I know that you guys have been around eachother over the last five years but if we're getting married, I need you to know my daughter."

"Is she coming to live with us?" I ask and Randy doesn't respond. "Is she?"

"Only if you're ok with it." Randy glances over at me and I sigh.

"What about our jobs?" I ask him. "We both work full time and I'm not in the best environment for a young girl."

"Then she can move in when you get pregnant." Randy casually says and I turn to raise a brow at him. "That way you have someone to help you around the house when I'm working."

"What about your baby mother?"

"Sam is down with it." Randy glances over at me. "I want Alanna to be with us during the holidays. I'm not trying to take her away from her mother but I do want to spend time with my daughter. These last few years haven't been easy and I just want to do things right."

"I know." I sigh as I place my hand on his thigh. "You're a great father Randy, I hope you know that."

"I'm trying." He rubs the back of his neck. "I've been so consumed in my career that I forgot about the real world which has been on pause. I thought that everything could change but I almost lost you and I don't know what I would do without you."

"I would never let you go." I squeeze his thigh and he chuckles. "I'm serious, you can't get rid of me."

"I would never want to."


RandyOrton: Can't wait to come home to my woman

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RandyOrton: Can't wait to come home to my woman

1,000,000 likes ~ 14,000 comments


"What does it say?" Toni looks at me with an excited look on her face as I turn the object around to face her. "Oh Tamar."

"Yeah." I can't fight back the smile as I hand her several more tests and her whole face lights up. "I'M PREGNANT!"

"Oh MY GOD!" She does a little dance before running to the bathroom to wash her hands, Toni ain't never changed. "I'm so happy for you."

"When you're done washing your hands, we can celebrate

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"When you're done washing your hands, we can celebrate."

Toni makes her way back over to me and pulls me in for a sisterly hug, one that I didn't know I needed.

"All of your dreams are coming true and I couldn't be happier for you." Toni looks down at the tests. "After all these years, I'm telling that this is a blessing."

"This is more than a blessing, this is a miracle." I laugh as I pick up one test. "With how things were, I just never expected this moment to arrive this quick. Once I met Randy, I knew that I wanted all of his babies but he didn't really want none and all we did was fight. At some point I started giving up because it would have been six years with nothing to show for it."

"Now you have a new home, an engagement ring and a baby on the way." Toni wipes away her tears. "You have everything and it was all worth it."

"Good things really do come to those who wait."

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