chapter twenty four

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in case you haven't noticed, idk where this story is going


Jack woke up. He felt well rested for once, and was looking forward to performing that day. The boy couldn't wait to get back home and rest, even though he felt sad that he and the boys would have to say goodbye to Fleur. Jack felt the need to protect her and make her happy. "Its just because she's your friend." He told himself.

He looked down only to see Fleur holding onto him tightly. He was confused at her face, she looked scared and sad. Maybe she had a nightmare?

"Jack? Are you real?" She asked in her quiet morning voice.

He was taken aback by the strange question, "of course I am, why?"

"Oh... no reason." He knew that she was lying but didn't want to push her. If it was important he'd know sooner or later.

Fleur realised how tightly she was holding on and instantly let go. Her cheeks flushed red so she got up and went to the bathroom. Corbyn, who was standing there all along, smiled to himself and sipped his tea happily. He knew something that Jack and Fleur didn't.

"Today's our last show, excited?" Daniel asked as he walked in.

"Yeah, but tour feels like it's just begun." Corbyn replied. It's true, time had been flying by really fast.

"By tomorrow we'll already be back home." Jack frowned.

He wanted to go home, but he also didn't want to. He was confused to say the least.

Fleur walked back and greeted the other boys who woke up and went to her bunk. She found some clothes and changed in another room, before checking her reflection in the mirror. She spotted two dark circles under her eyes but shrugged it off.

The rest of the day was busy with sound checks, meet and greets and more. They were all getting ready for the final show. It was tiring but worth it, the performance was going to be as lively as ever.

Fleur called her mom who wished her luck, and then checked the time. She still had to meet Kaya and then rush back to get ready for the show.

The brunette walked down the streets of Dallas slowly, admiring the surroundings. They were going to go to a small coffee shop and talk for a bit. Fleur wore sunglasses and her hood, and called it a disguise. It was creative, but not too practical since it wasn't that bright.

Finally, she reached the shop and saw a familiar face.

"Kaya!" She ran up and hugged the girl tightly, smiling wide.

"I missed you!" Kaya replied, equally as excited. They didn't care that some people were shooting questioning glances their way.

The two girls got their drinks and sat down at the back, where most empty seats could be found.

"So how's life?" Fleur casually asked, still unable to get rid of her smile.

"You know, boring." Kaya shrugged. Nothing interesting had happened, apart from when she got a puppy a few weeks ago.

"Well how's Jumbo?" Jumbo was Kay's puppy. He had big ears just like the character from Disney, and was a very sweet, energetic young pup.

"He's doing great. I miss him." Kaya smiled sadly. "But enough about me, what have you been up to?"

"Not much. Touring is all." Fleur replied. She couldn't make it sound interesting, to her it was a daily routine. She found it hard to find happiness in the little things. Or in anything, really.

"How's Jack?" Kaya wiggled her eyebrows and Fleur rolled her eyes. "Come on, I know you like him."

This made Fleur think of her dream. Did she like him? She didn't want to fall in love, she refused to believe or accept it.

"No, not like that. We're just friends. Plus, he could never love someone like me." The last few words hurt. She believed them, and it was painful to say out loud.

"That's stupid. Everyone should love you." Kay smiled and Fleur couldn't help but return it. She didn't agree, but kept her mouth shut.

Kaya had always been there for her. They continued to talk, until Fleur realised that she should be going. Both girls hugged once again and promised to meet back in LA.

The singer speed walked back to the venue to get ready, even though she arrived a few minutes late.


Fleur waved goodbye and ran off stage. She was sweating but an unusual smile spread across her face.

"Good luck out there." She said as the boys thanked her and took their place on stage.

She watched as they starts their song, and listened as the crowd sang along, full of energy. It was a great sight. Seeing the boys happy was something she was thankful for. They smiled and obviously enjoys every second of it. Jack got to his part and Fleur couldn't help but smile even wider. Jack's voice sounded simply angelic.

It was beautiful. She felt her stomach do a backflip. It was strange, and the feeling was a new one for her. Did she eat properly? Or was it the adrenaline?

She shook her head and let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She swore she saw Jack glance at her before she leaft to change her clothes.


beep boop you have a new update for this book

umm yeah

idk where this is going so I didn't update for a while,,, i also wasn't in a good place so yeah

thank you to all my friends for not giving up on me, i know i'm crazy but i love you all so so much and you make my life much better, you're truly amazing and i'm so lucky to have you I my life <3

without you guys i don't know if i'd still be here

2020 dec. 15.

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