Day 1- Welcome to Gaoling

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"Are we there yet?" Sokka asked for the billionth time in the past minute. I rolled my eyes. "No, Sokka, we haven't miraculously arrived since the last time you asked 40 seconds ago," Aang replied. "Even I'm annoyed, and I can't even hear you!" Al exclaimed. All the girls giggled. 

"What do you think the South Pole will look like the next time we visit?" Suki asked, trying to lighten the mood. "Depends on when we visit," I replied. "October?" Tylee asked. I smiled. "Sure," I said. 

"It'll probably have buildings and everything like the Northern Tribe by then," El said. I nodded. "Maybe," Mai said. "It could," Toph responded. 

"What the hell is taking us so long?" Aang said. Even he was getting upset. We've been flying for two days straight. It's already Saturday. I shrugged and laid my head on his shoulder again. 

"I don't know. We were able to get to the South Pole from the Fire Nation Capital in like 1 hour. Granted, we were looking for you," I replied. He whipped the reign one more time. 

"We're here!" Tylee exclaimed. I looked down and smiled. There's the city where I froze two boys to a wall. Toph was frowning at her shoes. 

"Toph, what's wrong?" I asked. She frowned more. "I don't want to see my parents. I ran away from them and they think Twinkletoes kidnapped me," she replied. I smiled. "It'll be ok, Toph," I said. She smiled and looked up at me. 

"Thanks, Sugar Queen," she replied. We both smiled as Aang landed Appa near Toph's parents' house. I almost forgot how big it was. 

Aang helped me off of Appa and into my crutches. I slowly bent off the girls besides Toph and the twins with waterbending. The boys got down and we all huddled up. 

"Ok, Toph, can you tell them to give us the surprise tomorrow? If it is what we think it is, then we need a day or two relax," Aang whispered. "What do we think it is?" El asked. "What do your parents make you do if someone kidnaps you?" I asked her. She covered her mouth with her hand as she gasped. I nodded and adjusted my crutches. 

"Ok, I'll do that," Toph said. We all broke off and found some guards coming near us. "Welcome to Toph and her friends," the first guards said. I choked back a laugh. 

"Toph!" her mother exclaimed. Toph winced for a slip second then ran to her mother to hug her. She jumped up and her mother caught her, her arms wrapped around her. 

"My daughter!" her father exclaimed. He hugged her as well and her mother checked her body for any scratch marks or bruises. There were a lot. 

"Toph, honey, you're all banged up! Where in the Spirit World have you been?" her mother asked. Toph shook her head and laughed. "You said you heard what I did," she said. 

Her father looked at her confused. "We did. We heard that you taught the Avatar earthbending," he said. I rolled my eyes. "You didn't write the notes, did you?" Toph asked. Her father shook his head. 

"I helped them end the freaking war," she said. Her mother almost fainted at this, but a guard caught her. He dad's hands turned to fists. "You did what?"  he asked. 

"You heard me right. I helped end the war. You're welcome," she repeated. I giggled. "She did not, did she?" her mother asked us. We all nodded and agreed with her. 

"She did. She was incredible. She metalbent the routers and-" Aang started, but her father cut him off. "Metalbent? Whoever heard of such a ridiculous thing?" he asked. I giggled again. "Toph created metalbending," I said. 

"Who the hell  wrote the notes you sent me?" Toph asked. "Language!" her mother exclaimed. I giggled. Man,  Toph's parents are crazy. 

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